The there-less Journey

Sure not all videogames are the same, but how many stars do you give the mona lisa? Games are however something that you play. Maybe we are at a point where not all videogames are games.

If you needed all those things Tom would not have thought highly of the path.

this reviewer is a sony hater payed by microsoft... it's so simple he is the 1 out 0f 60 reviewers who gives such a fag score all i can say is troll and this shit site shouldnt exist or be included in metacritic i could do better reviewing... =/

Really Ben? Why?

Your post completely lacks gameplay, there is some multiplayer though so I give it 1/5

Just another Troll :)

Y U Mad Bro ?

I think that's sort of the point. It's not the Mona Lisa. It's a study in brown and jumping.

Troll Powers Activate! Form of insult reflecting mirror ! Z-pow!

Tom doesn't like Gears of War, Uncharted or Deus Ex either. He just doesn't seem to like video games at all. Period.

Are you the only reviewer on this site? So this is more of a blog? WTF? Some of your reviews are way off, SSX, 5 stars?.
Is this on metacritic? How does a guy's blog count towards that? how did you swing it?
The gaming industry baffles me sometimes.

Superslug so according to you if a game is considered art then it's not a videogame. You said "you're not playing the game" now where did you come up with that conclusion? You can't beat the game unless you play it. It's not a cinematic movie or a CGI it's a videogame that is being played and shows the true nature of art in feelings. I'm not saying the game looks very nice even though it is. It just sends an artistic point of view.I don't understand why you're having such a hard time to comprehend this. Art piece? Lol what? The things you're saying doesn't even make sense!

Explicative-slur-slur-explicative! I sound grown-up now! Wait till I tell that cute girl in my social studies class about how I burned Tom Chick and everyone on this site! She's going to be so impressed that she might let me get to second base, whatever that is!

Nothing but faggots here

PS3 sucks

I didn't write the title of the poem, sorry that you guessed wrong. It is not me, but of course.... YOU! You are too late for an abortion your mommy said

Tom's a little bitch

You suck....


Bitch removed my comment

well then, given that it is a game and the primary function of the game is its "gameplay" and in the opinion of the reviewer the gameplay is bad 2/5 is the right score.

So you're more concerned about games getting great scores they don't deserve than games getting abysmal scores they don't deserve?

It has nothing to do with a "dissenting opinion," and everything to do with a reviewer completely and intentionally misunderstanding a game. I've been gaming for 20 years, and in that time, I've played a little of everything. Nothing has touched me like Journey has. And while I don't expect everyone to have the exact same feeling I had, I believe I'm well enough versed in gaming and fiction in general to see how easy it should be for this game to connect with almost everyone.

And it's not like this is the first time Tom has given out questionable scores to a game that's had an overwhelmingly positive reception. Games that are considered, even by those within the industry, to be exceptional titles.

Why is that?

In a gaming climate where there's usually mediocrity or controversy surrounding every title, why is it that the games that the rest of the world can agree are excellent, Tom Chick sees as garbage?

For once? You must be joking.