The Third Doctrinal War -- Stardock, Reiche/Ford, and Star Control

Right right- was responding to a post asking why P&F wouldn’t want to stop the sale of the game to prevent proceeds from sale being used against them.

Yeah. Though 9-year-old me didn’t know any better :)

There is a part of me that wonders if there is a brilliant game hidden in the design doc of SC3. Sorcerer King got as close to that ideal as anyone ever has, but in the end, it was just tragically devoid of personality or interesting NPCs–a sad vestige of its Elemental heritage, I fear.

While I myself made the Highlander / Highlander 2 comparison earlier when describing how SC3 is treated, you are correct in this. They made a decent effort. With a little more time in the oven, and without such a tough act to follow, it probably would have been better regarded.

One of the most maligned things, the puppets, didn’t strike me as all that terrible at the time. The clips really don’t hold up well in hindsight, but given the directions graphics in games were going at the time it didn’t stand out as much as it does watching now. Bad FMV was all the rage back then.

Come to think of it SC3 was the same year as the excellent Terra Nova, which if I’m not mistaken used FMV scenes in a way that was a bit of a parody of FMV in other games (I am making an assumption that it was parody, it might have been over the top cheesy unintentionally).

Man. The promise of Sorcerer King was a non-trivial part of the reason I moved out to Michigan in the first place.


To say that Star Control has been influencing my own fiction and game designs for basically my entire life would be an enormous understatement. learning someone else was going to fuse that premise with high fantasy was. . . pretty heady for me, to say the least.

I’m glad for the few dozen hours it provided, but goddamn, what could have been.

I have a secret and it’s awesome. Trust me, people will lose their minds when they learn about it. A few folks in this thread here are going to go absolutely bananas. [Insert applicable Batman quote here.]

Wow, that was surprisingly easy. Here, have a link, too.

Sorry. BTW, does Derek Smart have a side business writing titles for clickbait articles? If not, he should.

I’m weeping at the lack of weeping and you don’t care.

That covers it I think.

I think @dsmart is a fun character, honestly. He’s an epic-tier shit-stirrer and I think it’s pretty funny.

He is a Sith Lord ;)

Does @dsmart have some inside scoop or is this just conjecture?

If he does, I can assure you he will let us know. :)

He says this kind of thing weekly in the SC [Star Citizen] thread.

There have been no genuinely major developments with SC for a year. (It’s still a scam, it’s still making money, it still hasn’t folded).

He may well think he have a scoop, but he almost certainly doesn’t.

I mean, SC just got $46M in outside investment money and released unverified financials showing they were basically in the red. This involved selling part of the company. I feel like that’s a major development.

Or do you mean software development? Yeah nothing major has happened there.

Wait, what?

Yeah, I thought that was a pretty big deal myself…

Derek may be hyperbolic and opinionated, I’d also say he might not bat 1.000, but he’s done his homework on Star Citizen. If he’s heard something about Star Control I’m definitely keen to know what, his penchant for pot-stirring notwithstanding.

SC, Star Contol or Star Citizen.

Yeah sorry, Star Citizen getting into the Star Control thread…

Newly registered, and I just wanted to give props to @Nightgaunt for this thread (and a lot of others who have made the discussion so good). This has been one of the most neutral venues I’ve found for information on the lawsuit. Bought game first, then found legal drama and I’ve had a lot of catching up to do.

And yes, I actually read the whole damn thing so far - all 2.7k posts this week. Saying that, I question my own sanity.

@Desslock This quote has been fundamental to wrapping my head around Stardock’s position on the matter. Legal accuracy aside, I think this is what has continued to drive the lawfare so hard. They started with legal advice or armchair lawyering that when they bought the trademark, they got all of the marbles. Not sure when that advice happened, but all the chips seem to be betting on this position.

[Insert standard disclaimer here: IANAL, and I don’t even play one on Reddit].

Holy crap! I remember that disc being my introduction to Star Control. Thanks for the warm fuzzy memories.

Welcome to the forum, dude. Stay a while and listen.