The Third Doctrinal War -- Stardock, Reiche/Ford, and Star Control

Qt3: 2
Derek: 0

Alternative theory: You are trolling and yet again representing yourself to be something you are not.
Proof cited: Your entire history on the web.

Of course you do not have the terms because you do not know a goddamn thing about the case. You have been wrong on every turn of it. I truly wonder if you believe what you write (aka Cleve) or if you just think everyone is far, far dumber than they really are.

That website still says “CREATORS OF STAR CONTROL® II”. As it should.

Cool, it says we should hear more this week from E3.

“happy and relieved”

So say we all. :-P

The classic games are back on steam. Stardock is listed as publisher and Toys for Bob listed as developer for I & II.

No announcement yet, but this:

So which side got a hold of a Dnyarri and is now mind controlling the other?

Seriously though it would be wonderful if the settlement truly was amicable and the hatchet buried.

Wonderful. Especially enjoyed the offerings of honey and mead to seal the deal.

Wardell jumped in then to explain that he and Reiche hammered out the details of the entire settlement in a conversation lasting a couple of hours. The collection of attorneys attached to the case then spent several weeks transforming the quick agreement into a formalized settlement offer.

That sounds very different than “they’re in discussions on a settlement - and it’s not going anywhere” or a hail mary.

In the end, Ford and Reiche won. Because they got to Brad’s honeypot with some beer.

Edit: Ok, alcohol.

Fred and Paul’s update:

This was even better:

He and Reiche and Ford laughed when recounting the frantic attorneys’ cries of “you can’t do that!” and “you can’t give that away!” They again made the point that the lawsuit process was creatively draining and too combative for the kind of compromise they were attempting to reach. Reiche interjected that the resulting settlement contract is the first contract he’s ever signed that included specific language about bees and about how many jars of honey must be exchanged per month for flagons of mead.

I can honestly say that’s one of the strangest settlements I’ve ever heard of, but I’m glad both sides came to (what seems to be) a truly amicable agreement. Guess this means I’m running out of excuses for not getting Star Control: Origins and I get to continue looking forward to the UQM sequel!

I love this ending: everybody wins. This is the outcome that has the greatest likelihood of more Star Control, so it’s also the ending that benefits me personally! High five!

It is nice to see something that seems to be increasingly scarce - people getting past their disagreements and working out a solution. All’s well that ends well, as far as I’m concerned.

I just wanted to point out that just earlier I asked:

And in Paul and Fred’s statement they note:

  • We are honestly very, very happy with the way everything has settled. No Dnyarri mental compulsion was needed.

Which is exactly the sort of thing someone under the influence of Dynarri mental compulsion would say. The way they seem so happy about things I don’t wonder which side found a Dynarri, I wonder which benevolent fan has one and is making both parties play nice.

I’m so relieved at this news, that interview made me smile. After two years of ugly fighting I never expected it to end so amicably.

I wish it would have been like this from the start, but better late than never!

Good news! Should have happened years ago but glad it all worked out well.

This settlement does raise one important question worthy of debate. Which of the proposed followups entices you most? An exploration of the precursors’ goatly origins, a dive into the history of the Utwig, or colorful revelations about the Melnorme?

  • Goats of the Precursors
  • Mask Effect
  • The Color Purple

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