Liberals also say and do stupid shit

Republicans are looting the country, while liberal fashion writers are being mean to the “first lady”.

Both sides do it!

Yeah, but if you want dumb hot takes, then pretty much 100% of fashion ones qualify.

I can not express how much I loathe any and all criticism of famous people based on clothing. Unless they come wearing a shirt with a confederate flag, or Hitler’s face, I don’t give a shit.

Now, that’s a great example of a terribly dumb liberal-focused fashion hot take!

But why are you posting something from last year?

Does it have to be recent to count? Stupid is stupid.

Thinking about it, it being from last year is even worse as this was before Trump’s recent ‘not an endorsement’ endorsements of the alt-right.

I guess it’s fine. It just seems weird to post something a year old when there’s plenty of current liberal stupidity over Melania’s fashion.

Liberal stupidity, like a diamond, is forever.

Better not be blood diamonds.

Are the prices artificially increased by a monopoly?


The suffering increases their value

Out of curiousity, is vegan food more environmentally friendly (in the long term, not that it would have impacted the hurricane). I mean, I hear about the vast water consumption, or resource consumption of beef, and that it creates a lot of carbon dioxide.

For the most part, yes.

Then there is shit like almonds which take over a gallon of water per almond. CA alone uses like 1.1 TRILLION gallons of water just on almonds every year and that’s been growing. Which is like… 27,500 gallons of water per Californian if it wasn’t going to one crop.

Of course by comparison animal feed for cattle uses even more than that because they grow a shitload of it.

“It depends.”

Basically, almost any plant crop is more environmentally friendly than raising an animal on the same ground, though you could go through some gymnastics to find an exception, like trying to grow cucumbers in the high desert vs. grazing cattle.

Many animal herds can take less water to raise than some crops for the same net calorie count, but take far more land… albeit land that might not be good for much else. But after you add in the additional environmental cost of processing (slaughter, refrigeration, transport, etc) it’s hard to claim much net benefit. Plus of course you’re probably raising vegetable crops elsewhere to feed the herd.

And there are some animals that are incredibly impactful-- it’s amazing how many resources pigs consume.

One of the most viscerally disgusting foods I’ve ever attempted, and failed, to eat was a vegan hot dog.

I figured, “how bad could it be?” Since hot dogs are already basically fake meat anyway.

Nope. I tried cooking them various ways. Grilled, it was like a plastic tube filled with mush. Cooked in the recommended fashion, microwaved in water, it looked and felt like a flaccid severed penis that had been preserved in formaldehyde. The latter resulted in me involuntarily shouting ”No!" At it when it came out of the microwave.

It is, to this day, the only food that ever inspired me to shout in despair at the sight of it.

LOL. I bet if you kept trying, chances are there’s a decent brand of vegan hot dog available. Maybe?? I have to eat gluten free so I know firsthand how some badly-made, gross-tasting foods can give the whole category a bad name. All it takes is one great product to become a staple of your diet. I despaired for a while but then I found great bread, frozen pizza, pancake mix, etc. Sometimes it’s even better than the regular kind, like gluten free brownie mix. (Try King Arthur’s!) But what really sucks is when great products appear, become a staple of your diet, and then they stop making it. That’s like being stabbed in the heart and then resuscitated and then stabbed again.

I have some family who are Vegan, so I have a small amount of experience with this.

The cheap Vegan hot dogs are indeed shit. The same is true with the cheap vegan hamburgers. However, you can have some pretty good stuff.

The picture is small, but i am pretty sure those sausages in the middle right are the ones that are actually quite good. Also if you pay more, you can get some vegan fake meat products which are actually pretty good. The soyrizo is also good. The problem is vegan stuff that isn’t shit tends to be much more expensive than anything but the very top end of non vegan food.

So yeah, as a meat eater, i find that vegan food can be 80% as good as non vegan food, but you’re going to pay more for it and if you make it yourself, it is probably going to take more effort than the non vegan option.

The guy next to me at my current work project heats up some facon most mornings and it smells like absolute shit. I imagine it tastes about 0.0000000003% as good as real bacon.

Ive stopped eating non-lean/processed/red meat, so all breakfast meats are out of bounds. I’ve found a couple of vegetarian sausages that are perfectly acceptable.

If anyone leaves near :

then do try. I know it’s only “ok” by expat Indian standards but for me its a vast range of great vegetarian street foods and meals Ive not had much like ever before and incredibly cheap.

To be fair, this describes all non-bacon food.

I’ve had good Vegan hot dogs, but they weren’t trying to taste like regular hot dogs. They were just a cool tasting thing in the shape of a hot dog.