Liberals also say and do stupid shit

And have somewhere to pee.

Well said, Timex.


The right wing noise machine would be so confused by Founding Father and American Hero George Washington.

I admit that I thought of that song/video when I wrote that sentence.

I think this whole debacle qualifies.

Agreed. On the other hand, while I feel terrible for Sam Seder, Cernovich may have opened a Pandora’s box. I can say with near 100% certainty that if we comb through the Twitter feeds of every Conservative Media personality and Republican politician we will find a treasure trove of offensive comments when taken out of context. Hell, most of those comments are probably offensive even in context!

Except that conservative organizations wont do anything about them.

Exactly, O’Reilly’s already appeared on Fox since his departure, hasn’t he?

I read it once and was confused. I read the comments on here, thought about re-reading it. I then read yours and decided that no it is just a further example of the decline of editors in the digital age.

He came back once as a guest on Hannity.

You back off from Judy Dench. She wants to be an adorable old weirdo and listen to trees, she damn well can!

There’s no good reason for our state to have this stupid law.

That doesn’t strike me as a particularly good example of liberal stupidity. It sounds more like professional organizations protecting their own narrow self-interest at the expense of public’s right to speak out on issues that pertain to their area of expertise…which, if anything, is something you’d expect of fans of the status quo.

This is Oregon. Our government is and bureaucracies are heavily liberal leaning, and I don’t see that as a bad thing but did you see where the attorney general ran with it?

The comments on this article are painful to say the least.

The story notes that several brands have jumped on the bandwagon, and now sell “unfiltered, untreated, unsterilized” water in jugs for as much as $15 to $25 per gallon.

Jesus Christ.

Evans likes to plug it on social media, and it’s a product created by Mukhande Singh (born Christopher Sanborn), whose sales pitch seems to be that, yes, filtering water is going “to get 99 percent of the bad stuff out. But now you have dead water.”

I prefer dead water, because it doesn’t have liver flukes or giardia.

“Tap water? You’re drinking toilet water with birth control drugs in them,” he said. “Chloramine, and on top of that they’re putting in fluoride. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but it’s a mind-control drug that has no benefit to our dental health.”

This guy is a combination of Gen. Ripper and the morons from the future in Idiocracy.

He can enjoy his Typhoid and Dysentery with a side of Cholera.

Yeah totally raw water is not the best idea.

However, the guy does have a point. The treated water we so often drink is laced with several drugs, not all of them good for you.

It doesn’t stop there.

At grave risk of being labelled a stupid liberal, stop and read the ingredients list of most of your food. I was certainly surprised, when reading my bacon ingredients, to find that there was more sugar than fat. Ingredients are listed in order of importance, and the list was:

pork meat
pork fat
something unpronounceable, to preserve it.

There is no need for sugar there. It’s filler to hit your brain reward centres, and the reduce the cost.

Ditto, why is there wheat flour in my pack of pistachios.

Why, in my pack of dates, is there glucose syrup? Those packets of dates being cheaper than the pure, unadulterated version.

My point, beyond these specific examples, is that alot of our food chain is, if not quite contaminated (very strong word, denoting poisoning imho,) not created with your best interests in mind.

Going back to water, I grew up in Kenya, and the water there is heavily treated with fluoride. My teeth will be forever brown tinged. Strong teeth, the dentist said, but forever brown.

That said, what this guy is offering can be gotten with 99% less hullaballo by buying spring water.

I now live on a small island where the tap water is for washing and maybe boiling things in. Drinking water here comes from bottles, and from springs.

Comments in this thread seem to indicate the choice is between barely drinkable pool water or disease laden river water.


I did survival courses a while back, and part of that was taking literal river water, all brown and thick, a slurry, and passing it through a homemade filter, which was charcoal in a sock, inside a cut open upside down bottle. Basically, a version of this.

That said, this doesn’t make this guy anything less of a conman. What he’s offering is a rip off.

You can do the same thing yourself as outlined in the above link, and then boil the water for a minute. Hey presto, if you’re worried about germs, that’ll kill them.

But here’s the thing, some germs are good for you! Exposure to these things makes you stronger. Hell that’s the idea behind vaccination.

TLDR: If you’re buying water from this guy, you are an idiot.

If you think you foodchain is perfectly wonderful, you’re also an idiot.

Or you could like, get a water filter. Those are $30 and filter hundreds of gallons before you replace them.