Liberals also say and do stupid shit

To answer your question, imho it’s a material of degree.

You can tolerate loads of junk. One could argue we do on a daily basis.

Pork. Salt. Even sugar. …not necessarily bad on their own.

Or even in combination.

Depends on what combination, and what’s done with/to them.

A burger from Macdonalds (pink meat?) And a cut of steak from a cow on a farm you trust, where the cow has freedom of movement and eats mostly grass, are both “meat.”

But they aren’t the same.

Do you mean ‘pink slime?’ McDonalds stopped using that in 2012 after a spate of very bad publicity.

As a side-note, I spent some time in the plant that produced much of it (‘it’ being ammonia-treated beef materials and by-products). I’ve spent a fair bit of time in food processing plants (literally years of my life), but this process disgusted me so much I have not been in a McDonald’s since. The fact that it took a public outcry for them to do stop using this garbage instilled in me a permanent distrust of McD’s.

And do you need a driver’s license to criticize someone’s driving?

He didn’t get fined until he started making engineering recommendations to the local government. The public deserves to have licensed engineers making policy recommendations, or you end up with bullshit like the “leading advocate against the EPA’s activist agenda” currently in charge of the EPA.

Yeah, free speech is only for qualified people as determined by the government.

What are you talking about? People can make recommendations without being fined. You know this right? Like you, me, some guy across the street can submit recommendations. They don’t have to do them though.

I think Oregon found the best cure for the problem of industry/policy trolls.

No. That’s ridiculous, and they lost. Aka the actual courts, laws of the land, disagree with you in addition to the rest of us who actually value freedom of speech and public feedback.

But it’s absurd to fine him for making a recommendation.
The government can simply disregard the recommendation based on a lack of qualification… but the idea that you can prevent someone from doing engineering is totally insane.

So should you also be fined if you write your representatives about some ridiculous proposed law, if you don’t have a law degree?

Last year a bunch of people made comments regarding the small size of the crowd at Trump’s Inauguration.

But they weren’t state-licensed mathematicians. To the guillotine with them!

I say we give out licenses to use message boards and leave Yak off that list until he can prove he’s worthy of joining the club, i mean proves he deserves the privilege by providing proper credentials.


We had stringent vetting back in the old days. Unfortunately, the required bureaucracy (Tom reading emails) was too much too maintain with the funding levels available and it eventually collapsed.

So, starve the beast worked, I guess.

There’s something seriously weird about the bureaucratic culture in Salem. They like to assume that anyone in the public who has an opinion on any issue is in the Tea Party. If you don’t agree with them 100% on every issue, no matter how petty, you must an ignorant climate change denier who is ruining the entire planet. It’s like a cult. So I’m not surprised in the slightest at them trying to silence this guy.

The California legislature is a lot like that. Even Jerry Brown is a centrist compared to them and they seem to react to every disagreement as though it is a personal, partisan attack.

Even so, that’s hilarious. :)

This is fake. White women in Oregon are required to have facial piercings.

Is that the Australian chick from Orange is the New Black?

I’d consider European hate speech laws liberal stupidity, so I’m putting this here.