Liberals also say and do stupid shit

I guess I know who Lawrence O’Donnell is, now.

Fellow liberal, and yep… Lawrence O’Donnell is a bag of self-righteous stupid. I can’t believe they haven’t given his time slot to someone else.

He was actually kind of sane when he started at MSNBC but since the election he has pretty much jumped the shark.

Bullet speed is a measure of how much damage it can do? How far it travels, penetrates and then ricochets down the classroom hallways?

The fuck is wrong with you people?! Fucking Malathor comes in a shits up the thread and suddenly you’re all agreeing with a fucking Trump Supporter?! When did you all turn into a bunch of sycophants?

Is the tweet inaccurate? Because coming from Lawrence O’Donnel, I’m betting it’s fucking NOT.

Keith Olbermann was the same way. I hated GWB but Olbermann’s screeds were way too full of hyperbole for me.

I don’t see the stupidity. Body armor (or a wall) has a much better chance to stop a handgun bullet than an AR-15 bullet.

If you’re going to cast judgment, you should actually watch the piece.

I’m not sure what the tweet was trying to accomplish, but O’Donnell’s piece was mainly referring to the high-velocity rounds fired from an AR-15 and how vastly more lethal they are than handguns.

I still maintain O’Donnel has become unhinged since Trump took over.

We all have, to some extent. Some people just cope in different ways. For instance, I try to convince conservatives that they have no redeeming qualities whatsoever and should hate themselves, and am also eating myself to death.

Energy is 0.5mv^2, so velocity has a big impact on the damage done by a bullet. I think the talking head is trying to make the point that a teacher using a pistol to fight a perp with an AR15 is a mismatch, which is true, but really stupid way to argue against the stupid idea of arming the gym teacher.

Maybe he’s fighting stupid with more stupid?

Shooters weapon can go through walls, teachers pistol cannot, ergo, give teachers high velocity rifles that shoot through walls.

Less “fighting stupidity” and more “double down”

I don’t know, maybe he was referencing this article which talks about the damage resulting from an AR-15 compared to a standard handgun?

It’s stupid because the NRA reply is going to involve my answer.

Just to be clear, yes: AR-15’s are vastly more lethal than 9mm handguns, but it’s pointless in the construct of the tweet. If someone just wants to talk about the lethality of a gun, however, it’s certainly a facet to consider.

I didn’t see the piece, but the fact that rifle rounds are higher velocity than handgun rounds does in fact matter.

F=MV^2 yo. The V’s important. Muzzle velocity is a major component in how much damage a weapon can do.

I dunno what that really has to do with arming teachers, although I would tend to agree that going up against a guy in bodyarmor carrying a rifle, while you are wearing a polo shirt and fielding a pistol, is probably not an ideal engagement situation.

The natural logic that follows from this is not what we want to follow.

I guess at best you could say he’s trying to say, teachers will still be undergunned versus school shooters, so it won’t work. But I tend to think instead it will have the morons saying it just means that we need administrators with semi-automatic high caliber guns. Or god forbid, fully automatic.

The whole idea of teachers being armed is purely a distraction. That’s the point.

Everyone knows it’s a stupid idea. Everyone knows it won’t work.

It’s simply being tossed out there as an idea so that people will fight over how stupid an idea it is, and no actual change will take place.

Well, sure, it’s just like the arguments police departments pushed after the Hollywood bank robbery. “We can’t allow ourselves to be outgunned by the criminals! We must not allow a mineshaft gap!”

It does make me feel good that some QT3 found Keith and/or O’Donnell over the top. I’ve found myself getting mad at Rachel Maddow, many times, but she is a very smart woman. I think there is big difference between slanting like Maddow does, and the distorting that Olbermann, O’Donnel on the left, or Hannity, Rush, and most of Fox commentaries on the right do.

Maddow is undoubtedly smart and clearly speaks to a lot of people, but ye gods I cannot stand her demeanor/delivery. Just a hard nope. I totally get the distaste on the right for being “lectured at,” though plenty of them deserve a hard lecturin’ and more, to be sure.