The Trump Administration and Syria

The danger is 2 egotistical pricks not knowing when to stand down. The Russians have already said they will strike back at platforms that attack. So the question is does Putin choose to lose face, or does he thump his chest?

Well, it was nice knowing you all. WW-fucking-3.

Lots of confirmation that Russia was warned about the strikes, fwiw.

I’ve seen some good arguments for and against the strike, but god damn, I can’t listen to Trump declare anything without a sick feeling in my stomach. It really sucks to have so little trust in the words of the President and still have to rely on them. Jesus.

Syrian missile crisis, and Trump is no JFK.

We have a deranged sociopath who can start a war with the world’s most expensive military. What could possibly go wrong?

Now Dunford saying we didn’t pre-notify them. Not quite sure what to believe.

edit - correction, yet again; he’s saying we told them about the airspace being used but not the specific targets

It’s only off the record that Mattis was against the strikes, right?

If the somewhat sane and competent Trump cabinet member was against doing this, that’d be all I need to find the right side of it.

Which would be expected, and wise.

It looks like they are hitting the manufacturing facilities. They would not want the Russians to get in there and accidentally get hit.


Man, the left is really gonna dumb it up with the “this attack was illegal!” angle.

It’s a foolish argument for multiple reasons.

Yeah, fuck the constitution!

Edit: Noted lefist Justin Amash

Article 2 puts the president in command of the military. While article 1 one gives the power to declare war to Congress, it’s obvious on its face that we do not need to declare war to deploy the military. It’s deployed globally all the time.

The only limitation on this is the war powers act, which is regarded by many as unconstitutional. That’s why it has never been enforced, despite being seemingly violated numerous times.

Further, the US military was already engaged in the region. They’ve been engaged there for ages. Is someone really gonna try and make the case that despite already having forces engaged there for years, that blowing up these specific targets required permission from Congress? Cause that argument is going to be extremely bad.

Lest anyone forget, we do not currently have a secretary of state.

It seems like Mattis won this round. A limited strike, but twice as large as last years, along with the British and French. Mattis was clear, future strikes will depend on if Assad continues to use chemical weapons.

Assad, Russia, and Iran have won, and the west and the Syria people have lost. But making the use of chemical weapons have a cost is a good thing, even if it is done by Donald Trump.

Yeah, it was pretty limited from the sounds of it. Hopefully Mattis will keep winning. Not sure how valuable it will have been in degrading their capabilities since they’ve known for a while that it was likely coming and were able to move things around.

Any action that pissed Alex Jones off this much can’t be too bad.

Russia seems most pissed that Trump called out Putin in his speech.