The Vaccines vs Torch Wielding Mobs debate continues

I’ve been seriously thinking about something. What if we introduce a law that states if you infect someone else with one of the vaccine preventable diseases you are criminally and financially liable if you chose to not get the vaccine due to non-health related exclusions?

I mean why should someone else have to suffer disease because you refused to do what is needed to exist in a decent society?

The problem is we have people who can’t take the vaccine, either because they’re too young, maybe too old, or something medical/health reason they can’t. That group is really, really relying on the herd mentality, but they can still get the disease and spread it. We also have visitors from other countries who might not have had a chance or even access to the kind of medicine we have here.

I am fine with punishing people who are like these parents but the others, not so much.

I was told I couldn’t start college without showing them my vaccination records. So fuckem all.

Think of all the poor Parkers and Braydens and Kaitlyns and Nevaehs of the world who are being denied their rightful places in history as the next Typhoid Dipshit.

Or Chairish, Phelony, Ledjend, Adorabell, Jaxxson, Layke, Taggart, Maverick, Kynnedi,

I think the popular thing with baby names today, is to take a normal name, and mis-spell it. Or name your kid after a Top Gun character’s nickname.

Mother of God

You mean Nevaeh?


Yep, they would be exempt.

Can people be vaccinated against horrible name choices?


We named our daughter Emerson. Straightforward, unisex name, and we explicitly decided on no weird spellings.

There’s another baby in her day care named…


It’s like something out of the Elder Scrolls. I laughed out loud when I saw the name and got a weird look from the daycare folks.

(apologies to folks with weird name spellings, no hate)

When i see kids with weirdly spelled names, i assume their parents just didn’t know the correct spelling.

I was named after my uncle Chris. He was 19 years old and killed in a motorcycle accident just before I was born. He was an artist, and signed his name on his paintings as “Krys”. My mother wanted to name me “Krystyn” (as I am female) to remember her brother. My father overruled her however, and my name is the more normal “Kristin”. (Though I’ve stopped even bothering to correct people who spell it “Kristen” even after I’ve spelled it out loud for them.)

Edit: I feel that I should add that my mother was not one to give weird spelling to things, and I have two normally named brothers as well. It was just this one particular circumstance.

I work in a huge system that has so many different names and cultures and spellings, I have no idea where they came from, why they’re spelled that way, and I don’t care. As long as someone has patience with me when it comes to spelling it or saying it correctly, I’ll do my best.

In America, we butchered an untold amount of names anyway, the correct spelling as we think of it might just be some typo of generations ago anyway.

I wish more parents would think of the lifetime of annoyance they’re subjecting their kids to when they name them something really off-the-beaten-path. I think creative names are great and all but crazy spellings are just cruel to your children. They’ll spend their entire life correcting other people on how to spell it. No one wants to deal with that.

I named my son after my mother’s brother who was a Marine and died very young. So what does he like to call himself?

Vinnie the Guinea. Sometimes it’s not the parents who screw up.


My last name is super weird and unusual, to the point that Germans who should be able to just read it (na, na, sagt man wie auf Deutsch!) fail to pronounce it correctly.

I have no desire to inflict upon my children any compounded sorrow about their first names. (And we didn’t, and they’re great, so all is well.)

My wife once worked with someone name Le-sha

It is pronounced, of course, “leh dash shuh”

Id like to show this to every anti-vaxxer

What is with these stupid assholes?!