The Vaccines vs Torch Wielding Mobs debate continues

Russia will try to destroy the US any way they can. They should be listed as Enemy #1 over and above anything else.

Nah, they’re still #2 after anyone who’s voted for a Republican since 1960 :-)

How about $100,000?

Antivaxxers should just be injected with polio.

Actually antivax fuckers should be be brought to a school. They should be taught why vaccines work. They should be given the opportunity to learn all about vaccines.

After they get the information they should be given the choice. Vaccinate your children or lose them to CPS.

Their choice. Save the children for fucks sake.

Step by step. This is a potentially good move that would greatly reduce unvaccination rates in Germany.

It’s also small enough people are less likely to make a big issue of it, since it’s not overly punitive.

I hate anti-vaxxers like any other informed individual, but nudging versus direct confrontation might be a faster way to achieve the goal.

I think the solution is in massive liability. Someone gets measles cause your kid isn’t vaccinated? They can sue you for damages and assault or something. Being anti-vax is like firing a gun into a crowd, you don’t get to pretend you didn’t know what could happen when you do it.

Except in Europe we mostly use fines and/or penal consequences and not civil liability.

That solution could work for the US, but it’s unworkable in judicial systems that are not going to assign huge liabilities to individuals outside of fines.

I am a huge proponent of this even though I see major problems with it.

Yeah, there are tons of potential legal issues with it, but a man can dream.

I wonder how many dead kids it will take to change some minds? If school shootings are any indicator, the answer is “we don’t know yet.”

Someone else’s dead kids are an acceptable price for FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT TYRANNY, of course. In their minds.

Given the complete lack of traction for banning all guns forevermore from this fucking shithole of a worthless country despite countless dead kids, I am going to go with the real answer being “no number is enough.”

Yeah, who is under the impression this country gives a single fuck about children? Shoot 'em at shool, shoot 'em in a church, let 'em starve. Hell, round the rowdy fuckers up and throw 'em in cages if that’s your thing.

It’s fetus we hold so very dear.

You’re gonna see this more and more fro Republican legislators.

This is why democracy isn’t going to survive the 21st century. Not because despotism is good but because freedom makes people dumb.

Instead of saying I can search for and practice truth in a free country, people today take freedom to mean their right to believe whatever they what regardless of the evidence. “You can’t make me!” is going to be the death rattle of the West.

I wish we could just designate an isolated island as Freedom Eagle Isle where everyone can go to not pay taxes or get vaccines or any of that mumbo jumbo. Just let all the idiots gather in one place and let them all die of preventable diseases. I’d happily let my tax dollars go towards buying them all one-way plane tickets.

Again (seriously) this is why we need to let the South go. Even if a lot of antivaxxers aren’t Southern they can immigrate there and live their unregulated conspiratorial lifestyle.

The South doesn’t want to go. It needs your tax revenue to sustain its spending on military and border guards.