The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Alex confirmed the camera jitter, which was confusing me - even when I got the game to run at 60 it still felt bad.

Oh hey, there’s a text version of Alex’s video, so I don’t have to wait until I get home to check it out.

Good to see a few fellow console gamers. I fired it up again last night and appreciated the graphics more (performance mode).

And I love the way they’ve changed picking herbs. When did this happen? I no longer get the additional loot choice, I just pick 'em. SO much better.

Anyone liking the new sign casting? It’s hard to get used to, but maybe I just need more time.

Also, just have to throw it out here: the default map option is no “?” marks

New version seems stable on my PC. 118-135 fps running around White Orchard with every setting maxed on RT Ultra, at 5,120x1,440.

I’ll probably play mostly on my Series X in the living room, but awesome to have the option to go back and forth.

I realized there is a setting for rescaling the HUD, but it only adjusts a small area in the center – basically overscan area if you’re playing on a 1080P TV…

I fixed this by disabling vsync and framecap in game, and enabling them both in nvidia control panel. 60fps is perfectly smooth now with RT.

It’s not what you asked, but I bought the original (non-GOTY) Witcher 3 for Xbox One, and it was upgraded with all the next-gen updates. I would think that PS5 would work similarly, though.

There’s been some wonkiness with regards to next-gen patches in the PS world. Some games get them for free, some you pay to upgrade, and some just don’t get them at all. That and I remember both consoles having a problem transferring save games from the base game (even with all DLC) to the Complete edition. Seems like your problem might be related to those.

I saw that Witcher 3 had a next gen update on Steam last night. No wonder, thought I, no wonder that thread got real active recently. Should’ve popped in here sooner to check out the haps!

I was surprised my cloud-saved game still works after all these changes. Now to have some fun tweaking FPS in a 7 year-old game!

I completed the main game and Hearts then started into Blood and Wine but never finished it… but long ago, I made a promise to myself and my ancestors on my honour that verily I would complete this game and all its DLC. Psyched they did this!

More hotfixes 4 u:

Can confirm photo mode is fixed and game is rock stable, all I need now is better CPU performance but not sure if that will be possible.

With the latest hotfix I have not yet had any crashes (knock on wood!).

What’s just as great is that I am getting +3 fps consistently with the same settings (RTX + DLSS + Ultra/Ultra+ mix in 4k), whether in a city or out in nature.

Then I get two hard crashes within 5 minutes of each other. Oh Witcher 3, I want to love you again…

Glad they upgraded this so I can play ray traced Gwent.

I read that some people had the game crashing, then reverted back their undervolt (cpu or gpu) and crashing stopped. Other games were stable undervolted. Not sure if that is your case of course.

One note about the new gear the game gives you (the new armor and new swords): It’s available in Vizima, near the start of the game. One set requires level 7 and one requires level 11. Neither of which you’re going to be at that point in the game.

There also isn’t anywhere to store the gear when you get it. The “stash” locations are in White Orchard, which you just left (and can’t return to), and a spot in the next location you won’t have access to for at least a little bit.

So you get this new gear and it’s heavy and you have no place to put it and you can’t wear it. So unless I missed something obvious, it’s new gear you get to near-immediately leave on the ground in Velen, somewhere around the Inn at the Crossroads when you figure out why you’re overburdened for picking up that rusty sword.

That is excellent trolling by CD Projekt Red.

I suppose I’m not sure you can’t just fast-travel-return to White Orchard and drop it off. I never actually tried that. Though much like my useless new gear, I’m going to leave my complaint right where it is.

I just tried that, just for you, and yeah it does work :)

I just bought (or won, probably) a beter saddlebag, which gave me plenty of leverage for the weight of the gear. Alternatively, there’s also a ‘perk’ that increases your ability to carry stuff. And you can reset those perks later in the game, so spending one point on it isn’t a great loss, IMO.

Edit: the swords are nice, but I hated the looks of the armor…

I didn’t know this mod existed. I should write it down for when some day I do a second run!