The Wonderful 101!

Any other poor Wii U owners gonna pick this up? I went into the demo with low expectations. The initial fighting confused the hell out of me, which did not help matters. For whatever reason, I persevered. Slowly, this big stupid grin grew wider and wider on my face. I have no idea what kind of game this is, but I love it. I’m buying the crap out of this come release day.

I don’t think there’s much Qt3 interest, unfortunately; the other thread for it died after a single reply. It’s one of the games I’m going to buy a Wii U for, though.

I hear it’s not reviewing well, but the major complaints seem to be about the controls (something I’ve found I disagree with critics on constantly) and the high difficulty (bring it).

Yep, my thread went completely unanswered. I am gonna pick it up. I thought demo was very promising.

Eurogamer had some issues with the controls, but loved the game overall:

That review nearly sold it to me.


I’ve preordered it after playing the demo. Looks like fun, but my expectations aren’t high; mostly something to play with the kids.

I didn’t know anything about this game when it showed up yesterday. What a difference a day makes!


Damn it, you’re making me excited, Tom! (thanks)

It’s what he does. It’s all he does!

Unless you are in the comments section of certain reviews. Then he seems to do the other thing. Or at least change the genus of the excitement.

So, did anyone else play this?

I picked this up recently and started to get into it a bit. I think it’s pretty cool so far. I’m actually finding the controls to be better than I was expecting. I had a rough time figuring out what was going on during the tutorial, but it really started to come together for me in the first level. I’m playing on easy right now (gotta see if I think it will be good or bad frustration before playing on a harder difficulty), but I’m still finding the combat to be frentic, but fun.

Would love to hear the thoughts of the few, proud WiiU owners here!

I picked it up around release. It’s really fun, but I got busy and had to put it down. I definitely intend to go back and finish it though. It does so many things right, and its production values are so high…it’s just a really likeable presentation attached to a challenging brawler.

I enjoyed the game a lot. The combat system was a lot of fun. I played through it on Normal difficulty. I usually replay Kamiya games at least once but I don’t think I’ll be coming back to this one. As much as I liked the combat system and presentation, the mini-games really sour me on the experience and the idea of replaying them is a big turn-off. I think my issue is, like you, Antistarshadow, I find the game isn’t very good at explaining how it works. I figured out the combat system by replaying the early levels until I could get As on them. The minigames are also poorly explained and confusing, but learning to be good at one is totally one-off. The skills won’t help you anywhere else in the game. And frankly, many of them aren’t fun enough to justify putting in the time to getting good at them anyway. I think Revengeance was the better Platinum game this year if only for its focus on its combat system.

That said, well worth playing through the first time. The combat system has a lot more depth to it then it initially appears to. And I did love the Punch-Out minigame.

Got my Wii U last week along with this, Wind Waker HD, and Pikmin 3. Only put an hour into this one so far (Wind Waker and X: Afterbirth have taken all my time) but I liked what little I played of it even though the tutorials weren’t as clear as they could have been. Looking forward to pouring hours into this one.

I hear you. I’m juggling this, Pikmin 3, and Lego Undercover when I get TV time. These are types of fun experiences I expect out of Nintendo.

I’m really sad I didn’t get back into this after playing the first few levels. Keep the comments coming as you play, KMD. I think some of us just need a little push to get back to it! :)


Stream game! Hah!

I had no idea how this was going to work. Slowing down time while you draw or use the right stick makes it just manageable enough. I was surprised to see this was almost a 20 hour game though. The levels feel really long.

Anyway, not much to say about this one yet. I just felt like bumping the lonely thread.

Holy cow, the latter half of Operation 001 was the most frustrating gaming I’ve had in years!

There are so many hard counters and shit that it almost feels like a puzzle game trying to figure out exactly how to approach each enemy. They shove so much at me that I can barely keep my head on straight. Meanwhile I’m failing over and over and having to gather my dudes up to try again. Then boatloads of QTEs and unique bosses to deal with. And the missions are endless.

It’s absolutely bizarre. It’s easy to dodge and mash through Bayonetta, but here there’s loads of trial and error. It’s a videogames! feel I’m not used to. I really hope it evens out later.

This game still kind of sucks after 3 operations.

The basic combat is mostly super fun when I can see what’s going on.

What I can’t stand:

  • The levels are too long. Interminably long. Suicidally long.
  • So many unite morph and jump QTEs, with so many instant failures.
  • Too many puzzles looking for a specific unite morph applied in a certain way. I’ve been going to walkthroughs.
  • Awful gamepad-specific segments with awkward cameras and frustrating mechanics
  • Terrible cutscenes and characters. I don’t know why I’m not just skipping everything at this point. I always feel obligated to watch everything in my first playthrough.
  • The zoomed out camera is too far, and the zoomed in camera is too close.
  • It’s very hard to get a read on when I’m about to get attacked sometimes.
  • Gathering your Wonderful Ones kills the flow of combat, which is weird because Kamiya said in a Bayonetta interview that he made sure Dante and Bayonetta never get knocked to the ground because it ruins the flow.

I kind of dread playing this. It takes so much investment to make myself turn on the Wii U and work through a 30 minute sub-operation (one of three!) I can’t imagine a second playthrough, which is usually where Platinum games shine after you’re comfortable with the mechanics.

I reject all of your criticisms except for this one:

This is one of those theoretical reasons I will never* get rid of my WiiU.


* not for another year or maybe two, depending on how long it takes the new Xenoblades to come to North America and thereby force me to get a Nintendo Switch

What do you mean “instead of this one”?

I feel a little better this morning. I just need to make sure I never play two sub-operations back-to-back. An hour is too much of this. I thought the boss fight would be quick, and it just kept going and going with the same crap.

[quote=“TimJames, post:19, topic:73253, full:true”]
What do you mean “instead of this one”?[/quote]

Uh, oops, I mean “except for this one”. Stop reading what I write and read what I mean!
