The worst online community ever

Hmmm interesting, I never really considered the Taco Palace to be a legit gaming community when you consider that most of the forumites there are the good Doktor’s multiple personalities.

Yeah, but that’s a 1SG, where you’re still dealing with someone who’s just as often out in the field with the grunts as he isn’t.

Beyond that, SGMs and CSMs the politics get to the point of taking far too much of their time to really be doing much involving the rest of us troops.

That may just be my perception from seeing too much of the higher political side of things from within a HHQ unit, though.[/quote]
Yep. A First Sergeant is dealing with troops on a regular basis, though even they tend to leave the cussing-out to the Platoon Sergeants, Staffs, and Bucks.

Sergeants Major and CSM’s have more of a desk job. Barring inspections, they tend to associate more with officers and other NCO’s than your run-of-the-mill enlisted. At least that’s been the case for all the ones I’ve dealt with. It’s a chain-of-command thing.

But this is nitpicky, I think everyone understood Sean’s point. Give his ate-up Aussie ass a break.

You’re right, I keep forgetting he’s speaking about such things from the Aussie view of the military, where even their high command staff can be found doing car washes and bake sales to raise money for new tires for the jeeps. ;)

Also if, as I assume, Sean was in the Australian army, the equivalent of the first sergeant would probably be a Company or Squadron Sergeant Major.

Actually I was talking in more general terms and no specific country.

When I was in the army the corporal’s had the loudest voices and had the best abusive language. As a corporal myself we were expected to give the regular chewing out to the troops especially during weapons courses and recruit courses.

Ah what fun we had. :twisted:

When I was in the army, nobody really used any abusive language. Mostly we just drew on our faces with black eyeliner and crooned “Beth” into a hairbrush and argued about who was cuter, Peter Criss or Ace Frehley.

Of course, that was the KISS Army.

Actually, there are units in the regular Army that aren’t that far removed from what you described.

There were a large number of weekday goths who would turn into cleancut weekend soldiers in the reserve unit I drilled with in Columbus a few years back.

On a semi-thread-related note, one of the worst communities, from stories from a clothes-making friend of mine, are sewing-pattern-trading communities. They make Counterstrike public servers look like tea parties.

A ‘friend of mine’ ? Come on Derek we know your secret.

Just for that, I’m so not making that little pink poodle skirt you wanted.

I remember reading in a similar thread long ago how much worse quilt sewing communities are that gaming communities. I’m not saying Derek is repeating himself, however. It was a woman posting this, she wrote she used to moderate such a forum, and had lots of stories to tell about ongoing feuds between posters. I think I’m going to do a Qt3 search.

Those sewing ladies really seem to be one tough bunch.

edit: Found it! A post by Jessica about halfway down the page.
Seems threads tend to repeat themselves, just like history.

Does anybody know how to link to a specific post in a thread?

I think the problem with gaming communities is that they are made out of people.

That can’t be it, because Soylent Green is damn tasty.

See that little document icon next to the “Posted: date/time” at the top of each post? It’s an anchor to the exact post. Right click that and choose “Copy Shortcut” or “Copy Link Location” depending on your browser, and paste as you wish. So in your example, this is the url you’re looking for.


Nevermind I didn’t know that much easier method :)