theHunter: Call of the Wild - Open world wild game hunting

I have yet to fire it up since the addition of wolves. But the treestands/tripods were well worth getting, along with the ATV if you don’t have it already. The bigger/better guns thing didn’t bother me so much since the later maps are what use the bigger guns (more.) But the lures and scents help a hell of a lot, as well as gaming crouch/prone, wind/scent, and shadow/coverage. As an example, you can crouch at the very edge of a tree sometimes still giving you full cover, be downwind of some game and use your caller until they are literally right beside you. On the flip side of that, you could walk across a meadow, be out in the wide open, upwind of some trophy game and only see them when they take off going at full blast through cover.

But be in a treestand/tripod? You break line of sight and smell. It’s amazing.