There are no men who have not seen porn

The only time I’ve watched a porno for more than 10 minutes straight was when I was on dial-up.

OLD! This is from three three years ago. Stop getting all your news from tabloids. :)

Wrong thread man

Whoops, combined two posts into one.

Meh, it’s not worth posting in the other thread anymore.

But the tabloids have all the good stuff, like this:

Chimpazee hooked on porn

“The surprise was when they found that within a few days, Gina was not only using the remote control perfectly well, but that she also used to choose the porn channel for entertainment, as many of us would have done.”

For entertainment? Not so much. It’s a utility, like the toilet. You use it for its intended function then go on with your day.

I was thinking about this the other day, the way porn has evolved during my lifetime. I am 39, born in the summer of 1973.

As a young teen I recall casing Walden Books in the mall trying to steal Playboy and Penthouse. I would pretend to be interested in magazines relatively nearby then, when no one was looking (and its funny they had these mirrors that ran the length of the rack that were presumably there to prevent theft but they worked both ways), I would grab one of the plastic wrapped Playboys/Penthouses and just cram that fucker down into the front of my pants and walk out. I did this a lot, never got caught. But prior to this, I would beat it to my mom’s Cosmopolitan mags. And I liked it.

At some point around the same time I came upon a stash of really hardcore mags in a field, just a bunch of mags in a cardboard box. It was like finding the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. This was not the stuff they sold in the mall. It was way more explicit.

Fast forward to high school, where I discovered porno movies. I had a friend whose family had an adult video store, bam! VHS tapes! We would borrow them from the shop, after hours of course, copy them, and return them. This was tremendous. Christy Canyon still holds a special place in my heart.

Then at some point during my college years, 91-96, I discovered the internet. Usenet was great for porn. Even with 56K, you could just scrape a ton of pics over night.

I graduated, moved back to my hometown and got cable modem in the late 90s. That ushered in the era of videos via usenet for me.

Fast forward to now, porn is literally everywhere. Torrents for the dedicated but there are plenty of casual sites for people less tech savvy. Hell google can reveal tons of porn that would have been the motherlode for me back in my youth. Kids today are spoiled.

Christy Canyon still holds a special place in my heart.

Never heard of her, just spent 40 minutes on her website…

Never heard of … Damn kids, get off my poorly shot and grainy video!

Do you just dive into it and finish for 5 minutes? Christ I spend just 20 minutes browsing through videos to try to find one that isn’t a zoomed-in shot of two sphincters.

If it doesn’t look like two Brillo pads fighting over a sausage, it ain’t porn.

Gonzo ruined everything.

I love him. I can’t believe he’s doing porn.