They Came From Hollywood

Looks like a lot of fun. Could use some more cheese in the sound effects though ;)

I’m thinking in a monster chasing part, like hurricane chasers, but more likely to be eaten by gigantic women.

I don’t know, there are some times when it’s better to take your tongue out of your cheek. The constant ‘we know this is retro/ironic’ winking would only make me want to hit someone. The words thing in ‘FF’ got on my nerves eventually.

The only suggestion I would have from watching the video is to tone down the screams! Or at least make it adjustable so people with hangovers don’t get a peircing shriek for their troubles. Also make the entire screens shake when the monster crashes into the ground after dying, that would be cool.

Cookie’s got it. We’re trying to avoid a real over-the-top-cheesy thing (in the game, at least). But the sound effects aren’t from the game, anyway – they’re very last-minute (the whole movie is last-minute, unfortunately, since we don’t really have time to spend making fabulous Warcraftian movies). As for the screams being too loud, I agree, but Lars was manning Premiere and refused! to! turn! them! down! (if you read the interview bit about the “no undo button”, you’ll understand that working with him is sometimes like being an English prisoner of war building a bridge across the river Kwai while being supervised by Carmack and Martha Stewart).

And for the screen shaking when the monster dies/stomps – we’re experimenting with that, but it gets annoying real fast, IMHO. If we do include it, it’ll be something you can switch off.

Nono, not when they stomp, I don’t need to get headaches from a video game, just when they die and collapse to the ground. Maybe push it into slow-mo and shake the screen when it hits, or even just make it a cinematic.

Then again I don’t have my moron license because I failed the test so no one is saying you have to listen to me.

Where does one get this fancy Sparky-Approved codec? I don’t pirate movies (or porn) so I’m sort of behind on the codec curve. All I get is sound.

Btw, the screams are too loud.

I don’t pirate movies either. I do watch legally ambiguous unlicensed fansubs, however.

Well, there you go. Just porn pirates know about those fancy shmancy codec thingys.

I apologize. I suppose I trusted Windows Update too much and therefore had no codec.

As far as the movie goes… “yowza” indeed!

So I was thinking about games that I’ve been waiting on for years, but haven’t seen yet, and realized They Came From Hollywood hasn’t yet given me the opportunity to hand over my hard earned cash. Are there any updates on this game?

According to a news post from yesterday on the site (, Sparky and Lars are working on a theme park attraction and won’t be done with it until after the holidays. Then maybe they can get back to their game.

You know what would be a great game for XBLA?

That’s what I get for not checking the website first – I remember looking a few months ago, and there hadn’t been an update in months at that point. Serves me right.

Good luck with the attraction, Sparky and Lars, and don’t forget we’re chomping at the bit!

A Sparky theme park attraction? Do want!


Christ, this game?
I remember hearing about it years ago. And then I kept remembering it. A LOT. And each time I would forget it’s name and spend ages googling for “A GAME A BIT LIKE THEY CAME FROM THE DESERT, BUT WITH A GIANT TOY ROBOT”. Anyway, on both occasions that I managed to find the site I sent them an email saying “seriously, where is this game?!”.

I might send them a third…

Last time I asked that question, I made Sparky cry.
I do remember writing about the game, when I first heard about it in 2003, though. I hope my readers forgot…

But like Tom, I want to see that attraction!

I have much clown love for Sparky and Lars. THIS GAME WILL BE WORTH THE WAIT!

They want to out-DNF DNF in order to not be out-TCFHed by Grimoire.


AAAAGH! This thread bursts forth like Carrie’s hand from the grave!

I’d preface that with SPOILERS but you folks are so young you probably think I’m referring to Sex And The City anyway.

Yes, we have had to put things on hold for a very long time, as working on your own game pays exactly $0. We totally didn’t figure on it taking this long. Lars has been for a year and a half or so working on the interactive parts of DisneyWorld’s Spaceship Earth revamp, and since that finished up this Spring, we’re both on another project, which will be done after the holidays. Can’t say any more, as Mickey Mouse will murder us in our sleep*. It’s just a small attraction, though – we aren’t allowed to put the roller coasters together or anything.

Although I am pretty handy with an IKEA hex wrench.

After this latest thing is done, we will be able to get back to TCFH again. I hope people are still using computers by the time we’re done, or we’ll have to re-write it entirely for the Applesoft Commodore-Kitchenaid VirtuHolodeck 3000. Also, I will have to keep making up more stupid names like Applesoft Commodore-Kitchenaid VirtuHolodeck 3000 every time I make another post like this, and, frankly, I’m too old for this now.

  • actually, I think they send Tinkerbell to do the dirty work