Things you should never, under any circumstances, ingest but are technically food

You know eating feces isn’t really that bad once you get over your squick factor.

I just re-read this and it hit me. That’s fucking gross.

As they are, it’s like eating shrimp shells with no shrimp.

What if you powdered the shrimp shells?

All well and good, just don’t forget to take it out of your pocket before your teleportation experiment.

One thing I’ve been thinking about is people who eat the kidneys and the liver from various animals like cows (classic liver & onions), chickens (fried up), sheep (haggis), geese (fois gras), duck (pate’).

Isn’t the general consensus now that this is unhealthy, and worse a little toxic in larger quantities?

That’s a (new?) wives tale, but it is crazy high in cholesterol so it generally isn’t considered a great thing to eat. Though it does have a ton of nutrients that probably balance that out. I’m sure bacon is likely worse anyway and no one’s going to stop eating that.

Also some people theorize that factory animals are being fed a ton of poisons and their liver can’t filter them or whatever, but that’s just the organic/grass-fed/whatever crew trying to score points more than anything factual.

Liver and onions is so good. About twice a year. :)

Chopped chicken liver from a Jewish deli is heaven. On rye bread with spicy mustard and a slice of onion. But yes, a little goes a long way.

I eat liver about once a year. Spiced up in a way only mom can make. Sheep/Lamb liver is best. No matter how many spices or lemon juice my mom adds to Cow liver, the thing is just too… I don’t know, heavy and not appetizing in the same way. Chicken liver is always good, but it’s tiny. I don’t count that as food unless you’re eating chicken liver from several chickens at once. It’s so small, one chicken liver doesn’t even count as an hors d’oeuvre. Lamb liver is perfect though. Just enough to taste great as an appetizer, and not too heavy.

I like pate on my banh mi’s (which I have to add when I make 'em myself, cuz the joint closest to me doesn’t use it for reasons unbeknownst to man). Don’t have much taste for liver otherwise. Tastes too much like, uh, liver.

This is mett. It’s raw, spiced and minced pork. Pretty popular in Germany. I had it a few times, and yeah, I had to get over my American “squick factor” for raw pork.

I have never even seen it here in the states. I imagine it would be very hard to market.

Apparently trichinosis has been essentially eradicated from the US pork supply, contrary to what your grandmother will tell you.

That being said, a rare pork chop is still a pretty hard sell, in the US at least.

Raw anything is.

We’re not fucking dogs.

Heh heh heh

Okay… roughly 38% of us might.

So, not a sushi fan?


All real Americans know fish isn’t meat.

Ah, a Catholic then!