Things you should never, under any circumstances, ingest but are technically food

I’ll fight you.

Speaking of uncooked meats, and fish in particular, I had a fantastic one when I was in Amsterdam. Haring with onions is pretty fantastic. Had with shots of a liquor and it was a fantastic afternoon snack.

Well, with enough liquor I was able to eat snails.

And we know bears are incredibly threatening!

Just as an aside, you have to be careful of raw meat in European restaurants. May contain parasites if not very carefully prepared. So apart from squick factor, I’d only have it at the best restaurants.

I ate mett from street vendor carts. I was brave in youth, and usually quite drunk when sampling from carts.

If I were to stumble on a street vendor here in the U.S. that offered mett and brats, I’d pass on the mett and stick with the grilled sausages.

I’m a pretty adventuresome guy, after all I’ve tried crickets, raw fish, and love escargot. But raw pork? Not something I’d give a go. That is simply too far for even me.

Why pork is too much, but I’ll eat raw fish no problem? I have no good answer.

Have you ever eaten steak tartar?

I had carpaccio at Lupa in the Village that was sublime. But then all of the food there is amazing. And their wine cellar is huge for such a small location.

Every time I ordered this in France the waiter would look at my American ass and blanch. Depending on their english sometimes they would try and stress it was raw beef. Then I would get the shoulder shrug like it was my funeral.

I don’t think I left a single speck of anything on a plate in all of France.

No Preservatives! Enjoy the all-natural mold!

highly, deadly allergic to mold

She says. I’d love to see the diagnosis for that. I mean how many times has this woman ingested this kind of mold anyway? Also… just looking at that knowing i drank something it was in would make me hurl.

Those sorts of molds are generally safe for consumption. See Capri Sun’s boondoggles of the past.

Edit: link! Capri Sun Mold Warning |

Philadelphia television station KYW-TV reported that despite its appearance, the type of mold found in damaged Capri Sun products probably would not cause harm if accidentally ingested:

We talked to experts from the Poison Control Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia about ingesting mold. They say it may be unappetizing and upsetting to the stomach, but it’s usually not medically dangerous.

Now come on @arrendek didn’t you see that this woman is not only highly but deadly allergic to mold. That makes her special and a great plaintiff despite toxicity.

I think you’re being sarcastic but I can’t tell.

I’ve met people like her before and I bet she really does think she’s highly allergic to mold. I wonder if she’s ever been tested though.

Not to mention every mold allergy I’ve ever seen has been respiratory. I’ve never heard of anyone who couldn’t eat it. Pretty sure they’d have a miserable life because mold is on everything in small quantities.

I bet you if she doesn’t get a settlement quick she ends up in jail for misrepresentation and/or lying.

Yeah I totally am. I got a chunk of what is best described as what looked like a wad of burnt marshmallows and wheat or something else from a box of Lucky Charms. They had me look at it longer over the phone. Determined it was just something that was stuck in he machine and released, sent me a few coupons for more boxes of Lucky Charms and we all moved on. I remember being totally grossed out by it initially, but later my brain kicked in, I called the company and that was it.

I’ve also seen something like what she showed above, but I shake non-carbonated beverages and you can easily hear that.

Man, I had SO MANY questionable foods from street carts around the Mediterranean and Black Sea. The ones that were the sketchiest seemed to also taste amazing. I’m sure I’ve probably had monkey/dog/lizard and any number of things that non-drunk me would have puked just thinking about.

As an example, I’m pretty sure I had kokorec in Turkey.

I would eat the shit out of that.

Double entendre not intended :-X

It was excellent. I rate it very high on my drunk-food-o-meter. Also high but not nearly as questionable was a version of a smash sandwich in France where they made two smashed hamburger patties, then put those onto a baguette along with fries, cheese and a sauce and smashed those as well in something akin to a panini press. It was like having a smashed pocket of awesome.

Hey, someone else loved it enough to have a short mention of it on a blog!

Yeah see that SOUNDS gross, but at the same time it sounds amazing. I mean, as long as they’re cleaning it well then you’re good right? Also, it’s kinda hard to get THAT grossed out about it when you’ve had a high school science class or two. Feces is everywhere around you at all times no matter what. You regularly get it in your mouth. Your body evolved to deal with this. Don’t go eating poo you find in the yard or something and you should be fine :P