This may sound like a rookie question

And I guess that it basically is, but I really want to write reviews. I’ve been writing this and that for a few years now and am honestly pretty ok at it. I mean, not that you could tell in all seriousness from visiting any of my websites, but I’m not half bad.

Since all I do is play games, all the time, I was thinking this wouldn’t be a bad idea.

I just wanted to know if their were any suggestions on where to start or what it may require so that I can eventually achieve this goal.

Ever heard of the Shoot Club Casting Couch?

I’ve been on Capn Stabbin if that counts.

I mean, not that you could tell in all seriousness from visiting any of my websites, but I’m not half bad.

How else are we supposed to tell? ;)

The way to start writing for someone is basically to look for a site that matches your style, and then flat out ask them if they are looking for content.

  • Alan

I’m planning on doing just that. I appreciate the advice. I’m also planning on working on a site that will indeed be something that people can make a judgement call on.

Also: on a good suggestion I’m using my real name to post under now.

I know GMicek and I were always looking for reviewers for RPM Games, and I’m pretty sure he’s open to reviewers for DIY Games now. Check out the site and send him an e-mail.

Oh, uh… link here.

Cool, thanks. I just sent him an email.

I think desperate is a better word Voltman :)

But yeah, I’m always looking for someone to write reviews(especially since I couldn’t write my way out of a wet paper bag, heh). One barrier is that people aren’t usually interested in doing reviews on independent games, they would rather review the latest and greatest hardcore games. And I’m not talking Rianna Rogue.

I just wanted to know if their were any suggestions on where to start or what it may require so that I can eventually achieve this goal>>>

Now, I’m not one of the pros here, but I’d highly recommend that you learn the difference between “their” and “there”. :twisted:

Or write for GamePro, they don’t care one way or another. :twisted:

Kind of funny actually. The indies are the easiest to get review out of. Sparky even puts up with me sending her random sound clips of myself yelling “It’s a trap!”

  • Alan


You just wait. That Au Scream is one day going to be more famous than the Wilhelm Scream.

How does it compare with the “woman running around on fire screaming” clip from Syndicate Wars? It’s going to be tough to top that one.

It’s rare, but I hate it when I do that.