"This site may harm your computer!"

My friend and I are getting this on all Google results. Anyone else?

Same here. You even get it when you google for google and google shows up as the first hit… haw haw.

At least two of us.

Yep. I was about to start a thread on the same subject. Hacked, maybe?

Internets: hazardous to your health.

Wow. That is either one major hack, or one major screw up.

I’m having the same problem. I just thought google had a problem with searching for images of lesbian androids.

And it was gradual, too. I was looking for DIY steadicam schematics. At first it only affected the first page of search results. Then, a minute or so later, it was afraid of everything.

This is either and EPIC HACK or an EPIC FAIL.

Me too. This was the first place I came to see what’s up.

I’m really hoping for the latter since I just linked Google Checkout to my bank account last week.


Looks like it’s over.

Are you using Firefox? I had this earlier, and it was doing the same is I entered a site name rather than address into the bar (i.e. quartertothree, which goes to this site). It stopped when I closed and then re-opened Firefox.


Well damn.

I guess all the bottled water, toilet paper, canned food, and ammunition I just bought might come in use later.