Tick live action reboot?

Not a fan of the latest trailer, but I enjoyed the pilot so I’m still in.


So I uh, forgot this was a thing. Looks like I have some catching up to do.

Season 1 is available! Just starting, no idea how bad/good it is yet.

“Watch out! She shoots glass eyes.”

Edit: OMG there is an amazing Aquaman joke in Ep. 3.

Finished it and really enjoyed it.

I’m pleased to say that the full (well, half) season is worthy of the Tick legend!

The pilot’s flirtation with dramady turns out to be just that - a flirtation, which is over with by the middle of episode 2.

It’s a little slow in the plot department. All we really cover is that Arthur accepts his heroic destiny and that the Terror isn’t really dead, both of which any Tick fan would have taken for granted from the get-go.

But in true Tick fashion, the really good stuff isn’t in the main storyline. It’s in the side details. There’s a whole lot of worldbuilding going on here, and its to the show’s credit that it’s equal parts funny detail and actual development.

The featured villain, Miss Lint, is a great example. At first she seems just like just a silly gimmick, but by the end of the episodes she’s a full-fledged interesting character … and still also a silly gimmick. This show does not shrink from embracing the silly.

Combine that with details like a superhero sidekick’s unusual tell-all book or Superman’s (sorry, Superian’s) conversation with his PR agent and you have the sort of goofy goodness that reminds that the Tick is what taught nerd comedies like Venture Brothers and Rick and Morty their chops in the first place.

I never got into the Tick mythos (maybe watched one or two episodes of the animated series), but figured I’d check out a couple of episodes of this new thing.
Love the unreliable narrator aspect, and the way the actor playing The Tick is pretty much channeling 1960’s Adam West Batman.

Well that went by way too fast, I certainly wanted more.

Patrick Warburton was the best tick, but this had better writing.

With the original comic I nearly soiled myself, with the Cartoon I laughed, chuckled with the TV show, and this latest series smiled.

Which sounds negative but I was really smiling throughout the entire duration, which can honestly be a bit tiresome on the face. This may say more about me than the content though.

Wow, good reviews for this are a very welcome surprise. I really didn’t care for the tone of the pilot. I will watch this now!

I enjoyed it but I agree it was over way too fast. Its six 22 minute episodes so its actually only around 2 hours in total. The actors all seem pretty good for their roles and Jackie Earl Haley as the Terror is a bonus.

Good thing there’ll be six more!

But when???

“Later this fall” is all they’re saying.

Hard to believe how much better the series was than the pilot. Glad they had the opportunity to polish the tone.

That last scene almost set off my Dot.

It did set mine off. Started playing some Rolling Stones.

Really enjoyed this. The tone is just right.

Part two is now up on Amazon (6 more episodes.)

Thanks for the heads up! Hope the rest of the season is good.

Awesome. Between this and Altered Carbon, I should be set for a week or so.