Those are kind words, and well-deserved. Awesome!
September 18, 2012, 6:00pm
Congrats Tom, and everyone else. <sappy>All of us together make it a great website.</sappy>
I’m surprised that they knew to consider Quarter to Three, but knowing that they did, I’m not surprised they picked it.
Interesting list of game sites on Time’s list. Anybody familiar with Persuasive Games?
Congrats Tom!
Does that mean I have to post smart thoughtful posts now?
September 18, 2012, 7:16pm
Yep – it’s Ian Bogost’s site and company. They made Cow Clicker that was meant to be a satire of Farmville but ended up having a life of its own. Bogost is one of the primary torch bearers in the world of academic game research.
September 18, 2012, 7:30pm
Matt Peckham who wrote the Qt3 entry is a local.
Fantastic stuff. Congratulations to Tom and everyone in the community!
September 18, 2012, 8:10pm
Damnit, the secret is out.
Hey Tom, how does it feel to be a doyen?
Don’t forget to turn out the lights!!!
Seriously though, Tom deserves it. Congrats!
too much dirty truth, eh?
September 18, 2012, 11:08pm
Wow, #13 of 50! Or #2 in gaming? Or is it not in ranked order? Anyway, just being listed is very cool.
September 18, 2012, 11:21pm
OMG, Time’s Matt Peckham (the author of that article) is a total flip flopper !
Time's Matt Peckham speaking with Troy Goodfellow:
I dunno Troy, when you look beyond the super-ultra-niche crowd that hangs out on QT3, which isn’t even in, like, the top 100 (maybe 1000) video game sites the average gamer visits, and when you consider how many people are writing in the biz, I don’t know that either of those two you mention belong. Even if you just scrap the dubious “best” qualifier and go with “most influential,” as you say.
Bub way before Chick, obviously, just because of the whole kid-safe thing, and Tom’s mostly just another reviewer who dabbles in the occasional anything-else kind of writing, otherwise this industry has, what, thousands of reviewers now (paid or unpaid)? But hell, I’ve been having my stuff slashdotted for awhile (without trumpeting it on a personal website or pimping my reviews every time I write one), and I wouldn’t even think of calling myself remotely influential. It’s anathema to everything I stand for as a writer. Best thing to do is ignore this list, and every other, whether it has one’s pals on it or not. I’d be more embarrassed to make a list like this than to be left off. Watch and see what I do if some knucklehead ever does (put me on one).
Should we take his advice and ignore this list too? I am so confused, what is a consumer to do?