Tiny Islands - Post your Dailies here!

Nice! Big forests edged by mountains are usually the key to my best scores.

I’ve been posting my first attempt at each daily myself, but feel free to share whatever, especially while you’re learning the game!

Does every shuffle use the same deck?

That’s a good question! I don’t know.

Don’t draw your lines with a laptop touch pad…

I think I should be +7 over what this is if I hadn’t put that beach inside the island.

One of my best scores ever! I got lucky, putting those two mountains up top early and just hoping I’d get some forests to go with them!

Oh man, this game is delightful. I played around a bit this morning on the random shuffle before doing the daily where I came up with this. I was hoping for another forest to link the ones on the eastern island, but the deck would not cooperate.

Not a great score with today’s shuffle:

Today’s daily [EDIT: apparently this is not the daily, even though I was sure I clicked daily.] and my best score to date! Also, TIL that beaches count as one of the unique features that houses get points from. It’s obvious now in hindsight, but for some reason I wasn’t considering them before.

Kinda made a mess of this one, but I’m still experimenting with ways to earn points. I think I get too aggressive with placement sometimes.

Yeah, today was rough!

I think that was the first time I decided to eat some waves because the alternative was even worse.

Today’s daily:

It’s neat to see how the same card shuffle can produce such different islands.

Waves do too!

I got 60. The first half of that one was not my favorite, lol

We probably shouldn’t post the images, since that says a lot about where things are going to be coming at you in the shuffle.

Aw, but the images are the fun part! I’d say just don’t scrutinize others’ layouts until you have played your daily!

Makes sense! I imagine that boats also do, though you’d obviously never want to put a boat right next to land. But perhaps on the teeny, tiny chance where your only other option is placing something that results in either zero or negative points…

I think you can figure out almost nothing by looking at other people’s images. There are two choices for every card, and the objects can be placed by row, column or area. With that much variance, there’s no way to get a sense of what is coming. I think it would even be difficult to match someone else’s exact layout if you were trying to from reference.

It’s more like oh hey there’s a lot of trees in that region that’s a good place to accept tree cards