Tips, tricks, and suggestions for the novice Red Dead Redemption 2 cowboy

It’s the same logic the Assassin’s Creed games had - the top button, Y on the Xbox controller, controlled your head and activated eagle vision. X and B to either side were attack and counter for the hands, and A for the feet controlled jumping.

Square is the jump button tho in certain contexts.

That aside, thanks @tomchick, for sharing an excellent mnemonic tool for the controls.

21 posts were merged into an existing topic: Red Dead Redemption 2 - For a Few Redemptions More

I’m similarly feeling the pain w controls. I’m only an hour in, it’s rough. Taking a quick Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey interlude didn’t help. I don’t even think of the controls while playing AC. I have to be up for a fight w/ the controller to experience more RDR2.

Even talking whilst riding in the intro, you’re stop holding the button to keep pace w your riding partners in order to ask questions. My very 1st impression was that of an awkward slog. I’d hoped it was the snow, but indoors on foot it’s just as painful. Maybe 1st person will help w the unwieldy aspect of navigating the world on foot. My schedule only permitting sporadic short sessions doesn’t seem to bode well.

All griping aside, I’m looking forward to playing, and hopefully the control scheme will eventually fade into the background.

I’d recommend getting the “Companion App” linked below for the best quick reference material I’ve seen so far on the controls and UI. Plus, I find it’s handy to have the iPad next to me so if I forget something, I can pause and look it up.

There are additional features available if you set up a rockstar social club account, but the Manual section is available without that.


Edit: I visited and found that the only manual linked for RDR2 is this app :(

Any tips on hunting dear? I’ve been stuck on this for over an hour now. It’s the hardest dear hunting tutorial ever! The deer are usually just a few pixels big when I’m told to shoot at them. I’m not that accurate with the controller! When I pull back on the bow, I seem to have 5 milliseconds before Arthur starts aiming wildly. Does that mean I need to go into my inventory and snack on something that will give me stamina or something?

And can I go closer to the deer somehow without spooking them, so they’re not so far away?

I just did that part and managed to get it done, but I agree it felt way too hard to control. Almost like they were neglecting to make something clear, or maybe you just get better at it as you do it more or something.

Not too fussed about it, but it seems a little odd considering the way the rest of the into seems to thoroughly prompt you.

You don’t necessarily need to charge the bow. Just firing it like a gun often works, especially once you’re using better arrows. Also, using your dead-eye to hit an animal’s head works wonders.

However, for the tutorial, don’t worry whether you mangle the deer. Later, you’ll want to be careful how you kill animals if you want good pelts, which you will. But just let loose on these starter deer and you should be fine.

And if you just wound it, the deer will run off a bit before collapsing. Deer are pretty frail, so just follow him until he falls. I think the track turns red in eagle vision when something or someone is wounded.



Can someone on the Xbox One please re-teach me how the hell to shoot and fight? What buttons do you use to “lock-on” to someone? I have aim assist maxxed but it feels like I"m just free aiming because I’ve forgotten the very beginning where you’re taught how to shoot. I’ve died multiple times in the past hour.

‘B’ is the punch button. For shooting, I just hold left trigger to lock on, if there is an available target, I think? Left trigger is the default ‘lock’, as far as I know. Sorry you’re having problems with the UI.

Trying to keep this as vague as possible… I have a legendary bear pelt sitting on the back of my horse. I’m not sure if I’ll run across more and don’t want to make a hasty decision I’ll later regret. On the other hand, is there no way to put this somewhere other than the back of my horse. 'cause I kinda need that space.

If you’re not going to sell it for the money – which you’re not – donate it to Pearson. He “banks” it for you for when you’ll want to use it later.


Durn only console only games. Us lumpen proletariat will be over here on the PC trying to limp by…

Good to know. I donated a bunch of crafting materials earlier and then wondered if I’d just given it all away.

Eeep, I sold it to the trapper. I read in some YouTube comments that he’ll hang on to it as well, hopefully so.

Ack, meant this to be a reply to @tomchick and @None replies to me, sorry. =/

Also don’t forget if you are having difficulty aiming you can change the lock-on from the default of “normal” to “wide”. The other options are “narrow” and “free aim” (for people far younger and/or skilled than I). Also staying crouched and moving slowly – and keeping the deer upwind – helps.

It’s in settings/controls.

‘Third person controls’ (as well as ‘first person controls’ too), where you can cycle between standard/alternate/fps/southpaw control layout. If you click there instead of using left/right it brings up controller diagrams.

Remind me of why I am donating to the camp again? I know there was a help message when you reach the chapter 2 camp but I don’t remember what it was.

Also, how do you bring up the mission log screen? I sometimes get a prompt to do so (after a mission?) but can’t seem to do so at will.

Gotta say the controls are super tanky. People were complaining about Witcher 3’s but this is whole another level. I don’t particularly mind myself though. Although aiming when shooting is a bit harder than I expected, with free aim. I could sure use that smoith 60fps and no input-lag! God damn rockstar and their delayed PC release strategies.