Every time I scroll through the thread titles, I read this one as: TMNT - A Michael J Fox.
That is all.
Every time I scroll through the thread titles, I read this one as: TMNT - A Michael J Fox.
That is all.
What’s the odds Bay even knows the comic exists? Much less cares?
Eh? It’s only a stadium filled with cg characters/people… like was done in John Carter, Star Wars, Gladiator, etc. Ho hum. The Triceratons will be cool or not based on the direction, not the money thrown at it… being a Bay film, they’ll be cool, but in some irksome, defaming way that makes you angry.
Here is Megan Fox as April O’Neil.
That’s more like Megan Fox as Megan Fox.
Why is she holding a box of baby formula?
Looks like Megan Fox as Kate from Lost.
Look at the thumb on the door handle. LOOK AT IT.
Had no real interest in film to begin with, but sad to see Uncle GOB has apparently become part of proceedings, if photos are any indication.
Child support isn’t cheap.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA6Qmjxvdbc
NOPE , looks like crap.
Give me foam suit 1990’s movie turtles any day.
From that brief look, if all we had to go on was “Here’s what the new turtles look like!”, I’d be wary, but not ready to write it off. Michael Bay’s involvement brings a lot of baggage though; that’s a bigger concern than the fact that they have nostrils, or whatever.
I don’t have fond memories of the original TMNT movies. I guess the first was okay as light kids’ fare, but I never felt any sort of connection to it. In fact, I got a little annoyed with the whole “COWABUNGA!” and “LETS EAT SOME 'ZA!” catchphrases.
I guess what I’m saying is, I don’t particularly care if Bay puts out a crappy movie based on TMNT. It can’t be worse than the TMNT game that recently came out.
I simply don’t know what to make of that, what with the grimdark “heroes” speechifying and the BWAAAAAP sound effects, and then the end is all wacky Turtles antics. I’m just super confused at what the tone is supposed to be.
Although, considering it’s Michael Bay, the weird, sudden tonal shifts will probably be part of the actual film too.
The trailer had three bass drop sound effects. Based on my theory that movie quality is inversely proportional to how many times they use that sound in the trailer, this should be poor-to-mediocre.
The recovering in the country cabin sequence in TMNT 1 (including April O’Neil sketching a depressed turtle lying in a bath) was my first introduction to art house cinema.
I find it sad most people’s introduction to TMNT is the '90 film or the hokey cartoon. The original comic is raw, bloody, funny-with-grit, oddly wistful and grabs you in the way only a rough and tumble indy comic and can. Even at 12 years old, when I saw the film, I remember feeling vaguely disappointed, not quite knowing how to reconcile the other worldy vibe of the comics with what I had just watched.
One thing is for certain, these new “turtles” certainly didn’t need frikkin’ horse nostrils.
That’s why I loved the animated film from a few years ago, it was the closest that anything had come to the comics.
I can’t even bring myself to watch this trailer.
The recent TMNT cartoon did some really weird things, like having a crisis on infinite earths style multiverse plotline, that culminated in them joining forces with the 90s TV versions and the B/W comic versions to save the world.
I saw an episode and couldn’t figure out who it was for.
Doesn’t really have anything to do with anything, but thought I’d mention it.
What ruins every Michael Bay move for me is “PHYSICS”. Outside of superpowers as soon as man, machine, chunks and parts of buildings or cars stop using realistic physics it just ruins the immersion.