Tom Clancy's The Division

Yeah not a fan of that myself, but Arekkz does pretty good content. I found him when digging into monster hunter but he really took to Destiny and The Division too.

Here’s a Reddit thread for the more reading inclined.

So right now it’s average 2.1 seconds for a random trash Riker mob to kill a player in the end game and 3.8 seconds for a player to kill him? No wonder this game is screwed up.

It feels like these problems are already present in low level content so I really hope they’re not just targeting endgame with the changes.

Those changes are really interesting. It appears that they’re re-tuning the game to welcome casual and solo players. I may end up reinstalling this sucker once all that goes live.

I am starting to hate this game very much. 3 main missions left and I am so bored. But damn if I am not going to finish it!

But of course just as I am about to tackle one of those missions, the game boots me out with some amazing DELTA 2234571 message. I assume the servers are down.


They “tuned” the game ridiculous at around 1.1 I think. Before that, you could kill stuff quickly enough. Then it suddenly became ‘wtf?’…

From Reddits:

The game is balanced for the best possible build and since there is a huge damage gap between the best equipped and worst equipped player – the game is therefore very difficult for the average player.

Really… How is that even possible, unless they also have the numbers to say that their “average” player has the best builds… but then they would no longer be average would they?

Not to mention that, the Average Player is not based on the player itself, but on RANDOM drops.

I suppose the minmaxer with 500+ hours player will be the most vocal to complain that ‘the game is to easy and caters to scrubs’. But the solution then is always to introduce a “SUPERMAX” difficulty mode that has the insane scaling, while making the rest of the game accessible/enjoyable for the average schmoe.

Oh well – at least they finally identified some issues that shouldn’t have been there to begin with.

So, finished. Thoroughly average shooter, nonexistent/noninteresting narrative and repetitive missions, but due to somewhat competent gunplay and really beautifully realized Manhattan I still had some fun.
It is funny how much easier the game is with mouse compared to gamepad. I played it all the way solo, not once teaming up with anyone. With gamepad there were moments that felt utterly impossible to do even trying twenty times, simply because of how cumbersome the controls and aiming are, the difficulty of headshotting (which is a must due to hardcore bullet sponges). With a mouse though, I got through everything pretty much without dying.

It is hilarious how when I did the last mission, killed the main totally nongeneric badguy in his totally nongeneric helicopter, there were no credits…but I received some new main looking mission…so I thought huh, an epilogue or something? So I go there, big explosion, people dead…and then it ends up being an advert for a DLC, right with an elevator button that when pushed, opens a DLC store…

Oh Ubi, you dumb fucks.

You missed the true magic the game has then. When you’ve got a group (even just one more person) the combat moves so much quicker. It’s a day and night difference when you start playing with other people.

Can confirm, I loved going to the DZ with a full group.

I hope this patch takes off, I’d love to revisit the game at some point.

I don’t deny that, but I enjoy games generally on my own more than with other people. Other people usually lead to rushing through environments, not being to explore properly etc, they don’t add to my experience. I realize I am weird at this, but I know for sure that in MP I would have even worse experience.

Division is pretty good when it comes to this though. If you party up with someone you will inherit the party leader’s story progress for that session - that means you can leisurely explore the story on your own and then team up with a friend to help him get through the same parts or just to have some more fun with the new tactical options that arise by having more people present. And the group content is meant to be repeated since it scales all the way up to max lvl. It’s nice to see the story bits on your first run through those instances but on 10th, 20th or 100th you’ll probably be the one rushing as well.

Well that’s the thing, I am not interested in the slightest in repeating anything in this game, given how even first time most of the missions are recycled same stuff over and over. For me finishing the last story mission means quitting the game and moving on to play something else.

I wanted to play with my son, who is at level 25, and I am at about level 30, 180 gear level. Regardless of whether he was the lead or I was the lead, all the enemies were scaled to me and he was getting one-shot everywhere. We stopped playing together after that.

Was this in an instanced mission? I think those scale up to the highest level party member but story mode should be scaled to the session owner.

This was just walking around on the main map. I was rather disappointed that they did this - my son is 9 and when he was getting one-shot he never wanted to multi again.

Weird, I remember helping out my friend in lower level instance when we grouped. It’s possible I remember wrong or this was changed at some point though.

It scales up to the highest level player even in story missions. A buddy just picked it up the other day so I hopped into his session and we started Subway Morgue but couldn’t do it. The enemies were all lvl30. I even tried logging out and having him restart the mission by himself hoping that might make the instance set to his level but it didn’t work. Once I rejoined his session the 30s started appearing again.

This is something that is supposed to be addressed in their big October re-tune but we’ll see how that plays out.

That was my experience too. I wonder what they were thinking. It’s virtually unplayable for the lower-levelled characters.

They still haven’t done anything about the crappy character creation.

Playing Homefront Revolution after this is such a nice change.So much more interesting game design.