Tom & Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Because God is dead.

This is a belated April fools joke right?

This makes a comparable stand-in for the chunk of pure evil in the toaster oven at the end of Time Bandits.

It’s obviously based on the 1971 movie, (down to some of the visual gags and characters) but Tom and Jerry are crammed into the story. Weird.

Who wanted this?
Tom and Jerry have any marketing value today?
Why the hell is this a thing?
It’s a shot for shot remake, but animated? WTF?

This is the lamest, most useless, pointless, insulting remake I can ever recall. Literally take the original and put Tom and Jerry there? A cartoon that was past its sell by date 20 years ago. The mind recoils…

Weird is exactly what I was thinking.

It looks like they literally took the movie from the 70’s, animated it (not particularly well), and made Tom and Jerry in it for some inexplicable reason.

I like Tom and Jerry. I like Willy Wonka. But I can’t understand why this movie would be necessary. It seems random and, as you said, weird.

Maybe it’s some licensing rights thing?

Probably made by the same insane, drugged-out maniacs who thought someone wanted this matchup:

You shut your goddamn whore mouth!

WWE Meets Scooby Doo is the greatest cinematic achievement of our race!!

If this is what being a liberal elite who doesn’t understand Middle America feels like? Consider me proud to be so.

Oh, sorry, by “our race” up there, I meant the species of subhuman subterranean troglodytes I hail from.

You’re one of those people who thinks “Speed Racer” is the greatest movie ever made, aren’t you?

Wait, you mean the Wachowski Siblings Speed Racer?

Cuz I actually really liked that :(

I keep hearing how good that movie was, actually.

So it’s cheesy as shit, but in fairness, so was the show. The visuals are mind-blowingly awesome, the cheese is the totally watchable kind of cheese, and Christina Ricci!

Well consider me sold.

Yeah, Speed Racer’s a pretty fun movie. I don’t know the source material so how it holds up in comparison, not something I can vouch for. But it’s entertaining. I think Ron Perlman is in it, too.

I think just about everyone here knows my feelings on “visually stunning” but I feel like The Wachowski’s Speed Racer is right up there with Enter the Void on being a sensory experience that can indeed stun the viewer. There are moments that felt like visual overload for me. As if I were being blasted by a technicolor water cannon. That’s not necessarily always a positive, but if the goal was to make the viewer feel like they were in a frenetic cartoon, then mission accomplished.

OMG. My heart knows no boundaries for the love it contains for Ron Perlman.