Top 10 games on a given console: Atari 2600 (aka Get Off My Lawn) edition

Rings a bell, but man it’s been a long time.

Oh and Megamania was a great one, man it was hard. And Chopper Command, now I’m getting nostalgic for old Activision games. Man remember when Activision was Activision and not Activision? Good times.

Laser blast
Chopper Command
Yar’s Revenge
Demon Attack
Ice Hockey
Spider Fighter

Table 7 of Super Breakout



And every Activision game that awarded you with actual patches in the mail for sending in a Polaroid of a certain high score in their games. Those were awesome.

I still have my Spider Fighters patch somewhere. I remember seeing it not too long ago.

games that haven’t been mentioned yet that I liked: Demon Attack, Mountain King, and I think I remember the port of Time Pilot being good.

Escape From The Mindmaster
Phaser Patrol
Air-Sea Battle
Night Driver

I also remember playing a lot of Decathlon, but I don’t remember if it was the Atari 2600 version or if it was the Commodore 64 version.

I don’t think we ever had 10 actual games when I played the 2600. The only thing I recall was being addicted to Raiders of the Lost Ark. I do recall a shoving match with my sister over Ms. Pacman, come to think of it.

Adventure - Loved this game. Spent hours finding uses for the “dot”.

River Raid - Activision had the best graphics next to IMAGIC. Carol Shaw hit a home-run with this one.

Video Pinball - Great little pinball game that even mom would play.

Haunted House - Running thru the maze like house floors to get all the pieces of the Urn.

Stellar Track - An amazing Star Trek inspired strategy game.

Space Invaders - Lots of variants and my two player go to game. (Four player was Warlords)

Demon Attack - Space invaders with a cool twist.

Cosmic Ark - Capturing alien fauna while avoiding laser beams and meteors.

Enduro - Endless driving fun. Not topped until the C=64’s Great American Cross Country Road Race.

Interestingly, a lot of the games you guys have mentioned I never played. It was all up to what I could convince my parents to buy back then.

Random games from my memory that I loved:

  1. Ms. Pac Man. - Such a good version on the Atari.
  2. Starmaster - Where I first got my love of Space Sims.
  3. Star Raiders - Ditto, and it used an extra keypad controller!
  4. Pitfall 2 - I was so proud when I managed to finish this.
  5. River Raid - I got a patch.
  6. Chopper Command - Until this moment, I was remembering it as “Choplifter”.
  7. Haunted House - Loved the flashlight effect.
  8. Blackjack - Where I first learned to play. :)
  9. Space Invaders - So many varieties available.

That was totally a game too, a great one. Don’t believe it was ever on the 2600 though.

I loved Zaxxon, which was a 3rd person over the shoulder shooter rather than the isometric one popular in the arcades. Not sure why the change, but I loved it. Other favorites mentioned were Pitfall, Adventure, Yar’s Revenge, HERO, River Raid, Night Driver, and Combat!

I forgot about this one too. It was pretty unique for its time.

I didn’t play HERO on the Atari, but played the hell out of it on the C64. And now I’m looking at trying to find a way to play it again.

Same. It runs on most C64 emulators I’ve tried. It’s still a fantastic game.

Many already stated but also:


Pitfall II
Yar’s Revenge

Those are pretty much all I played, even though we had a ton of carts. Most 2600 games were pretty awful, even for the time. Ms. Pac Man was OK.

Yar’s Revenge and that game where you’re a condor flying in a desert around pyramids. Whatever that was.

Wow, I really thought I might be the only one who even knew what Dragonfire was. Nice.

Dragonfire was great! That big dragon sprite was particularly impressive for the 2600…

Missile Command
Ice Hockey
Yar’s Revenge
Chopper Command

Hey, we were poor when I was a kid and the videogame crash of the 80s meant I got a lot of stuff that would have otherwise gone to the landfills haha.