Top 10 Games on a Given Console: N64 Edition

Super Smash Brothers
Perfect Dark
Mario 64
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Mario Party
Blast Corps
Mario Kart 64
Star Fox 64

This is on sale at Gog for a little over $2. link. I’m almost tempted in a sadistic way.

I wonder if I played it now, could I actually finish the train level? Or would I even be able to reach the train level?

Bought. And while I’m here I guess I should buy all of the Might & Magic games, and this Pathologic game looks cool. Hey I should pick up Unreal Tournament 99 as well since I sold my boxed copy…just in case I want to play it again.

Aaaand my backlog just grew by several hundred hours.

How is the pc port of it? I would imagine it would be broken and shit like every console port back in the day.