Okay, sign me up.
Maybe they’ll decide what the film is about this time and just stick to that. Perhaps they even learned a little bit about continuity editing too. Let’s hope so.
Yes! Starscream is back! This film better not suck. The first one was fun, but could’ve been so much better.
Off to tfwiki to speculate!
“We’re sorry, this video is no longer available”
This one seems to work. :p
But seriously this one looks to be it.
I’m disappointed I didn’t hear “No! No! No! No! No! No!”
Please note that the giant Gizmo Duck looking guy near the end of the teaser is one of the Constructicons.
But they did get a “Run” in there. Just one, but not bad for the single line in the teaser.
Any working links?
I could watch a few minutes of the first before getting a massive headache - and this does not look to represent any departure from migraine-inducement.
The odds of this one sucking any less than the first one are slim to none. And the first one sucked really, really hard.
Yeah, I was pretty happy to read that as well. Devastator’s going to be awesome.
I also read somewhere (Meaning its speculation and here-say), that there are supposed to be over 40 different transformers featured in this one.
If so… Consider me delighted.
Really? You think its going to suck based on a single trailer? You must be from the future! Tell me, who wins the next election, and if you can respond quick enough, who wins tonight’s super bowl? I could make some serious money!
Blatherin’ blatherskite!
I believe it’s “blabberin’ blatherskite,” is it not?
Blatherin’ sounded right to me, and google seemed to back me up. I could be wrong, I was just amazed people remembered Gizmo Duck.
“What did you do?!”
“I pushed all of my buttons!”
I’m guessing Dan’s post is based on having seen the first movie and making reasonable assumptions about creative continuity. Michael Bay and his team of writers and EXXXTRME digital effects d00ds has no reason to do anything differently.
You post, on the other hand, seems to be based on bad grammar and the number of toys that will appear in the movie.
To be fair, other threads have established that Dan is capable of seeing into the future.
If he didn’t like the first one, I see no reason the second one would turn things around enough to appeal to him. You’re either into the giant robots beating the shit out of each other or you’re not.
The people who go on about how awful the first one is need to sit through some truly awful movies to remember what an awful movie is, though. I’m pretty sure The Spirit is still in a few theatres out there.
Except every nerd who is vocal about their hate about the movies… such as Dan himself. So, really, they do have a reason, its called making more money. People who love the series for what it is supposed to be were upset at it, and alienating them now would hurt their chances of continuing the brand. They’re lucky the backlash wasn’t bigger; I attribute it to Megan Fox.
You post, on the other hand, seems to be based on bad grammar and the number of toys that will appear in the movie.
Yep, that’s exactly it.
Shut up, Donny. You’re out of your element.