Trese Brothers Games (Star Traders: Frontiers and more)

And I actually trust Trese Brothers to keep their word on that, which I appreciate. That’s a Kickstarter I can actually fund, good to know.

AMA going on in celebration of their 10 years as developers.

Im VERY interested in this, especially after just discovering Star Traders recently…

Update #207. Two hundred and freaking seven!

And they are working on the new game.

These guys…

Update #212 dropped today.

Update #212 follows up on adding new cards, a new faction-specific ship, some major new ship components, and improves the Star Atlas search based on user feedback.


Another great update (on top of the others this summer). I am loving this game and what value! I have 50+ hours into this beauty already.

For a game costing ~$9 this week!

Its a starship & crew game set in a Fading Suns style noble house / the warp kind of setting.
Great fun!

Besides the last 6 years of Hearthstone, Star Traders: Frontiers is by far the most played game on my Android tablet. I probably have 100+ hours in it there, and another 25 or so on Steam.

I haven’t played in a year or so, but maybe it’s time to dive back in and see what all the latest updates have given me.

Yeah its fantastic on any device! Enjoy when you log in they have added a TON of stuff since last year!

I played this for a while (on my phone)–probably I played through the main story two or three times. But I always did it on regular difficulty where I didn’t have to pay too much attention (well, any attention at all, really) to the actual dice rolls. I get the feeling I should learn how that works. How much, um, effort is that? It’s also been about a year (maybe more?) for me, FWIW.

OTOH I probably shouldn’t, because whenever I have a game on my phone I end up playing it way more than I should.

Its a bit confusing at first, particularly the way they do encounter cards. But I think about it as special abilities from your crew give you a chance to change or remove a card but sometimes you are left thinking “wait? does it auto select that card now or still random?”

tldr: manually select how your crew levels up and pick the specific abilities you want. I would start with ones that modify maintenance checks and other travel related options first. Its largely a game about travelling so minimizing the costs and dangers of regular travel early on perhaps helpful.

But 100% agree its one of those “sure I will play that little game again… oh its quarter to three in the morning already” kind of games :)

Game update #240 upcoming. Such slackers.

CARTOGRAPHER rolls out an entirely new version of the map generator which has seen expansive improvements. These new maps feature better balance, more variety and up to 60 max quadrants. Within the quadrants themselves, we’ve improved the variety of the maps to include both quadrants that are much larger and harder to traverse as well as those that are even denser. The changes are a roll-up of all the feedback we’ve gathered from 3 years and hundreds of thousands of maps generated with v1. It is hard to summarize them all, except to say that map v2 are going to create more exciting, more varied and (if you configure it) larger galaxies.

Sales! It’s $5 for me now! Time to pick this up!

3 years after release and almost 300 updates later:

I personally am disappointed in the post launch support. ;)

Personally I wish they’d stop already and give me Cyber Knights. I have Frontiers on 3 different platforms already, enough is enough :)

Is that the upcoming XCOM-like that they kickstarted and was immediately funded?

wait, what platforms

Super late to the game so I’m not sure if anyone is still playing. I boarded the enemy ships all the time and defeat the crew in the Darkest Dungeon mini-game. Even after winning the crew, I’m thrown back into the 2 ships battle mini game and always get my ass handed back to me. The help text says that after I win the boarding mini game, I could sabotage the ship but that does not cripple them enough for me to win the encounter.

What’s the point of boarding if I end up getting killed after?

Its a remake or sequal to an older game. Cyberpunk RPG.

PC, apple and android. Steam version and then I got it on ipad. Daughter stole my ipad so I got an android tablet and here we are.