Trials Rising - Physics vs bikes

What’s your gamertag? Or you could just add me (Brakara there as well).

It’s Ginger Yellow, or if Xbox doesn’t allow spaces, GingerYellow.


You seem to have no friends so no wonder you don’t see anyone in the leaderboards.

Yup. I may not have any who own Trials Rising, though I have had some for previous Trials games.

Yep, looks like mine is rowearear. I’m just churning through all the tracks now, will work on my times afterwards!

Sent you a request on Uplay but you haven’t accepted it yet.

@Ginger_Yellow I added you on XBL but I still can’t see your times. Do you have your profile on private or something (which may explain why I see your number of friends as 0).

I noticed that you can see a list of tracks on each stadium, but unfortunately you’re thrown back to the map after finishing it. So close to having a decent track list to burn through, but no cigar.

Quite possibly. I don’t let other people see my friends on most social platforms. To be honest, I thought I’d turned off activity too, so I’m a bit surprised FS19 is on there (not least because it’s a Steam game).

Hmmm.I have game and app history set to friends, so you shouldn’t have been able to see FS19 until I accepted the request (even aside from the not an Xbox game point), and I have my profile set to Everybody, so that shouldn’t be an issue.

You are, however, showing up in my leaderboards now

You are showing up in my leaderboards as well now. I’m not seeing @rowe33 though, maybe friends leaderboards crossplay isn’t supported or he hasn’t enabled cross-platform support (bottom in the gameplay options).

Yeah, I can’t see anyone else’s unfortunately. I’ll check the cross play thing and see if that helps.

Game play options in Trials or the Club thing? I can’t find it.

In the Club, it says stats and leader boards aren’t available for this game.

The gameplay options in the game, all the way at the bottom.

For some reason it doesn’t seem to exist in my version. I see an option to adjust the ghost opacity, etc, but nothing on cross play.

Maybe the PC version is cross-platform regardless, since it’s on Ubisoft’s own platform. Anyway, reading reddit it seems like more people have the same issue and I’ve yet to see anyone confirm it works.

On Xbox, I got some popup at the start of the game asking if I wanted to enable cross platform. Wouldn’t surprise me if Sony aren’t allowing it.

Is @rowe33 on PS4? That may explain it. Here’s the option on Xbox One:

Anybody know if there’s a way to do that on the Switch version? I haven’t found it (yet), but the interface is full of holes, links to other sections of itself, and loot-box trap-doors. It might be tough to find.


Yeah, this doesn’t exist on PS4 unfortunately. They really shit the bed on leaderboards.

That sucks. What also sucks is the atrocious grind when you reach level 50+. Prepare to flip backwards and forwards for XP.