True Crime: Streets of L.A

I just got hired onto the temporary Activision retail merchandising program, running from next Monday for 3 weeks.

I’m reading over the review material here, and it’s listing the games I’m supposed to inform the sales associates at fine EB’s and Best Buy’s about, and I see a game called “True Crime.”

A blurb in the PDF caught my eye, after some recent discussions that had gone on here about similar concepts.

“For maximum replayability, an unpredictable, branching storyline gives players the freedom to complete missions as they choose - However they also have to face the consequences of those choices for better or worse. Successes or failures lead to entirely different game experiences, unvieling multiple storylines with no repeated missions.”

That sounded pretty interesting, especially seeing as how it looks like this game is Max Payne meets GTA3 meets the Max Payne Kung Fu mod.

I haven’t seen any threads on the forum about this (so pardon if this is a repost), but where the hell did this game come from, and does anyone know anything about it? I haven’t heard any buzz whatsoever.

Although, I only found out 2 weeks ago that they made a sequel to “Desperado,” and it’s out in theaters in a few weeks. So I’m horribly uninformed in these sorts of matters.

To answer the inevitable question, YES, I googled it. But I’m not gonna sift through their AWFUL flash page.

Tangent: Any web developers here who think flash is the spawn of Beelezebub?

Any browsers here that cringe when a page launches in a separate window and you see the “Loading flash” ticker?

Anyways. Ugh. It doesn’t look like this is coming out for PC anytime soon, if ever. Activision climbs another notch upwards on my shitlist.

There was tons of coverage on it at E3–check out the various game sites for previews around then. It should be a pretty awesome game based on what I’ve seen.

I played it for 1 minute at e3 before the Activision guy booted me off of it with a snide PRESS ONLY, GIT AWAAAAY.

Get a room, jerk. Lucasarts does.

Anyways it seemed like a nice ‘realistic setting’ gta clone. I didn’t see the hand to hand combat but while it’s billed as being as high quality as a fighting game, I’m pretty sure it will be closer to final fight in 3d, not tekken or VF. Driving was ok, muddy steering but it could have been the vehicle.

Can any other industry treat the fans so inconsiderately and get away with it?

My bad, sure. Every other industry.

Anyways. Yeah. Any word on if this is gonna make it to PC? I’m looking at these nifty console logos at the bottom of the reading material, and I’m not seeing the symbol for PC anywhere.

I played it very briefly at E3, and I think it may do pretty well in the ‘game that looks like GTA that people’ll buy since there’s not a GTA this Xmas’ sweepstakes. There was some slightly odd pop-up, probably due to it being early, but it seemed like it could be decent fun, and if you want a new Grand Theft-styled fix this holiday season - well, it’s either this or The Simpsons:Hit And Run.

It’s developed by the folks at Luxoflux in Los Angeles, who have been doing the vehicle combat thing for a while now, with slightly diminishing returns (Vigilante 8, uhm, Stars Wars Demolition), but I think they’ve taken a lot longer in development on this to make it special-er.

There’s an informative, if PR-strewn preview over at

…blimey, does anyone else get their mid-article ‘advert’ loading the entire EA Sports homepage in the advert window? Wacky.

"Can any other industry treat the fans so inconsiderately and get away with it? "

Well I didn’t really mind at all, entirely their right. But I’ll still call them jerks because the game looked interesting and I was pretty busy so I didnt get back over to the booth.

You have to realize that the only reason E3 exists is for developers to either shop their wares to publishers, or show them off to generate press coverage. Anyone who isn’t a publisher, distributor, exhibitor, or press is just there to make some money for IDSA via their badge sales. If you want to enjoy the convention, go as Media. It’s not like it’s particularly difficult to get a press badge, frankly.

How true is True Crime to really True Crime. I mean, is it truthful? Truly tell me more. Grand Theft Auto is a Truer name I think.


Perhaps it’ll be as true as True Romance was to really True Romance?

No? I thought I’d give it a shot.

You have to realize that the only reason E3 exists is for developers to either shop their wares to publishers, or show them off to generate press coverage. Anyone who isn’t a publisher, distributor, exhibitor, or press is just there to make some money for IDSA via their badge sales. If you want to enjoy the convention, go as Media. It’s not like it’s particularly difficult to get a press badge, frankly.[/quote]

Er thanks for the newsflash?