Truman Show meets Old Boy

I laughed a lot.

I’m pretty sure it’s been mentioned in the Youtube thread already, but Silent Library never ceases to amuse.


I didn’t see it then. But oh, the poor sots trying not to laugh…

I still believe the tagline for Ninja Warrior should be “Insurance Laws Are Different There.”

HAHA! That was his name. I remember watching some episodes when I was a kid. The producers were intentionally cruel - Nasubi was starving and was overjoyed to receive a bag of rice (the advertisers get popups blingbling ). Then his facial expression is golden when he realizes he has no rice cooker.

Later on they send him a portable stovetop and he cooks the stuff off an empty can (he got a can opener eventually…) There is a funny scene when a young woman comes visit him - he is very reluctant to share his food with her because he’s not sure how much he’ll get. “I’d love to get laid but I like food better.”

If you imagine the countries of the world as kids playing on a schoolground, Japan would be the kid in the corner pulling the wings off of flies.