Trump Fires FBI Director Comey

“Stuck in the Middle with You” would make a pretty good soundtrack for Comey’s upcoming Senate testimony.

Jim Comey doesn’t strike me as a particularly easy witness to intimidate, nor one that Trump would be able to spring that on.

But the real problem this creates is that Trump has, by his own actions over the last three months, created a situation where Administration spokespersons are used to being “Trumped” a day later by a tweet from the boss. That means that…

  1. There may be some reluctance to speak out, and
  2. The media is likely to not put much credibility into what’s coming from WH spokespersons.

Not ideal for him.

I can see it now. Damning evidence comes out and Trump refuses to come back to the U.S. Why not? We live in crazy times.

Yes, as this has happened over and over again… folks defend him, and then he shows them to be lying through his own idiocy.

Also, at some point, the rats are going to start abandoning ship. I don’t know when this all ends, but I know that it ends with people in prison.

That wouldn’t stop an impeachment.

Also Pence will likely pardon all involved using Nixon as precedent, so no one goes to jail.

Some Nixon aides and advisors were sentenced to prison

Right and if they weren’t just turned off we’d have a dozen posts talking about likes in the Trump Fires FBI Director Comey topic anyway… I think not.

… But as they discuss in the comments it’s not clear that Executive Privilege makes a dime’s worth of difference because, you know, Comey no longer works for the Executive. (It might though specifically for classified information? I have no idea how that works.)

64 times since before April, going back to what 2006. We have a handful of posts talking about likes in two days here. You want me to show you the ratio difference between what you’re showing and what’s happening right now? Look we’ve got 4 more already! That’s how many more than we’ve had in a DECADE. Quick let’s get the ratio and percentages going.

Wait, we have likes now!?

Hahaha you’re fun.

(not laughing at you, this is just fun)

Well if’ we are going to go use you know loose data, even according to your data there’s been more episodes of America’s Got Talent, also aired in 2006, then we’ve discussed likes, or more precisely the Like Button, on this forum since 2006 but before Like Apocalypse.

If you want to continue this discussion I’d like it if you would just post in the “like-ageddon” thread and we can continue this frivolity.

As you wish.

You’re right; we need to go back to the seriousness of Trump fucking our country and our government with an damn near illiterate voting block that eggs him on not realizing they’re burning down the house they actually live in.

Pardoning Nixon was one of the main reasons the GOP lost power in the 1974 election, followed by Ford losing the 1976 election.

Do you think the GOP want to repeat that, too?

Also, Nixon was obstructing justice regarding some small time political bullshit.

Trump is obstructing justice regarding treason with Russia.