Trump Fires FBI Director Comey

Apologize if this was posted earlier.

I fully expect, and certainly hope that this one time in his life that Trump who has gone though his whole live never having seen a corner he didn’t cut, will get caught by two guys who never cut a corner.

What unfolds ahead will be territory all too familiar to both Comey and Mueller—the field of play where they have made their careers and risen to the highest levels of government—yet the way that a Washington scandal takes on a life of its own amid independent investigations and looming prosecutions is deeply unfamiliar to Trump and many associates around him. Few in Washington know this landscape better than Comey, who as deputy attorney general appointed his friend Patrick Fitzgerald as special prosecutor to lead the leak investigation surrounding Valerie Plame, a case that ultimately led to the dethroning of Cheney’s top aide, Scooter Libby.

It is as if, after having an unrelated disagreement over movie trivia in a bar, Trump has challenged Usain Bolt to a 100-yard dash or John Cena to a cage match to the death.

I just read the full article and it’s a little boom-worthy, I’d say. Gives you a good sense of how the relationship between Trump and Comey played out over the past few months leading up to his firing. Quite a shady character we’ve got at the helm of this great nation.

I was referring to the headline. “Unsettled by Trump” kinda sits next to “sky is blue” in my book.

Haha, gotta give Comey cred for this quote:

That’s VEEP level of zing.

If the internet has taught me anything it’s that you can find a shitty lawyer to support literally any position you want.

I don’t know about “boom” but it certainly gives hilarious context to that infamous Trump/Comey hug incident.

Mr. Wittes said Mr. Comey told him that he initially did not want to go to the meeting because the F.B.I. director should not have too close a relationship with the White House. But Mr. Comey went because he wanted to represent the bureau.

The ceremony occurred in the Blue Room of the White House, where many senior law enforcement officials — including the Secret Service director — had gathered. Mr. Comey — who is 6 feet 8 inches tall and was wearing a dark blue suit that day – told Mr. Wittes that he tried to blend in with the blue curtains in the back of the room, in the hopes that Mr. Trump would not spot him and call him out.

“He thought he had gotten through and not been noticed or singled out and that he was going to get away without an individual interaction,” Mr. Wittes said Mr. Comey told him.

But Mr. Trump spotted Mr. Comey and called him out.

“Oh and there’s Jim,” Mr. Trump said. “He’s become more famous than me.”

With an abashed look on his face, Mr. Comey walked up to Mr. Trump.

“Comey said that as he was walking across the room he was determined that there wasn’t going to be a hug,” Mr. Wittes said. “It was bad enough there was going to be a handshake. And Comey has long arms so Comey said he pre-emptively reached out for a handshake and grabbed the president’s hand. But Trump pulled him into an embrace and Comey didn’t reciprocate. If you look at the video, it’s one person shaking hands and another hugging.”[/quote]

The curtain story did add a great deal of amusing narrative colour to Comey.

Kinda hard to blend into the background at 6’8’’.

You can always tell a Milford Man.

And the hits keep comin!

All I can think of is Sal Tessio asking Hagen if he can get him off the hook this one time, for old time’s sake.

heh, this shit just keeps going. I actually had to go look and make sure it wasn’t a humor article.

Dear. God.

Trump’s in the air for an hour, and maybe the two biggest stories of the week just broke. Holy shit.

Amazing. Just amazing.

He is gone for how many days? I wonder how much shit they piled up so they could fire it off when he can’t really respond.

President Trump told Russian officials in the Oval Office this month that firing the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, had relieved “great pressure” on him, according to a document summarizing the meeting.

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said, according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

I’m cool like Putin! I can use the tactics of an oppressive state too! You see how awesome I am right Russians?

And just in case you missed it in the article, that’s from the official Oval Office notes of the meeting. That is on record.