Trump Spells “Infidelity” with Two Ds

Don’t get me wrong, I hope they all burn.

But fuck you, reporter guy. Get facts. Report facts. Nobody gives a fuck about you. Let the story stand on its own.


The reporter is female, and I’m sure some of the above came from research and interviews conducted while working on her recent book.

Five personality traits? I’ll take a shot.

  1. Narciscistic
  2. Mysognisitic
  3. Racist
  4. Dishonest
  5. Heartless

Who got what?

Yeah I’ve kind of loved EJF ever since I first saw her on Samantha Bee’s show. She is sorta like the Michael Cohen whisperer and obviously runs in some rarified circles. I suppose her brand of access, emo-journalism is gonna get old quick but I still find her very charming.

As a random aside of silliness, Rudy didn’t quite get the whole Twitter thing down pat while defending Trump. Some humorous replies ensued;

Being a fan of the classics, my mind instantly went to…

So, there are more.

I could do with a lot less of his stupid tweet taunting and more actual evidence. He’s as bad as Trump with this crap.

Yeah, he lost me at “buttercup.”

The phrase is actually “pucker up buttercup.” Let Junior explain!

Trump better hope that the DoJ sticks by it’s guidelines.

… Nobody seems to have filled him in on the fact that it doesn’t matter whether it came from the campaign fund or his personal funds, it’s still a violation of campaign finance law.

Actually, if it came from campaign funds, it might have been legal, since you can use campaign funds to promote the candidate (which includes defending against negatives as well) but doesn’t allow campaign funds to be spent on personal consumption (like Duncan Hunter and his $1,500 of Steam games.) So if it was campaign funds, Trump could have argued it was to counter a negative attack, arguing that it was a “legal settlement” to avoid a lawsuit over the NDA. I don’t know enough about the relevant law to know how strong a defense that is, but it is a potential defense.

Whereas, with Trump saying it was personal money, that means it’s an unreported campaign contribution, and a big one at that. That’s a clear violation.

Legally speaking, revealing it was personal money was an idiotic move by Trump. However, since this is ultimately a political question, he might figure that the spin “it wasn’t campaign money” might fly.

The problem from my perspective is that they knew it was illegal, and in this case it’s a felony and not the violations that the FEC largely ignores. Ergo, it’s conspiracy to commit fraud. Normal people go to jail for that - well, the ones that are caught anyway (which as we’re finding out isn’t really all that normal for the wealthy.)

We’ve come a long way from him not knowing about it at all!

I can’t believe people are talking about impeaching POTUS for a simple paperwork reporting violation. Clearly he will make amends with a simple updated report, and we can get back to the work the American People have send us, the party of Lincoln to do, Making America Great Again.

Of course they did. That’s why they had Mikey do it in the first place.

It’s like claiming self-defense after you hid the body.

Yes, that’s a great analogy. It’s awareness of guilt writ large.

I can’t belive the GOP impeached trump for not wanting to talk about a blowjob! Let’s get back to the business of making money for the businesses (and the rich)!