Trump Spells “Infidelity” with Two Ds

This is probably the more important of the allegations here. Not the crime but the cover up, etc, etc. Campaign Finance is generally a slap on the wrist situation, but obstruction is something people take seriously.

I think there’s just an unprecedented level of fatigue about all of Trump’s crimes and crap. It’s not that all this new stuff has already been reported, it’s just that Trump has already done so many things which would have destroyed traditional politicians… and they just don’t seem to stick to him.

Part of it is the fact that he has scandals literally every day… there’s no time to focus on anything.

So I understand the feeling that nothing will ever effect Trump, because it really feels like nothing matters.

Yup, Three Stooges Syndrome. It’s a heck of a thing.

It short-circuits some kind of reptilian brain process.

You think Hillary and you immediately think “emails” or “Benghazi” because by sheer force of repetition they have been drilled into the consciousness.

You think Trump and your brain is paralyzed sorting through all possible scandals, and then you just order another drink.

I mean, the emoluments stuff alone, it amazes me more hasn’t been made of that. It’s worthy of a special prosecutor in its own right.

Waiting for the headline “Pecker Revealed As Cause Of Trump’s Problems With Women”

I would assume the two of them have come to some sort of agreement about Trump’s infidelity. Whatever Melania says publicly, she knows the guy and what he’s like. I’m sure she knows all the rumors are true, and probably has known for years.

Their agreement is she doesn’t bring it up and doesn’t get cut off and deported. At least not until plastic surgery can’t keep up and he find a newer model.

Is there any correlation between how Edwards was charged (and acquitted) and what Trump would be charged with?

Probably. As a layperson I couldn’t say for sure. Hell, even most lawyers would probably not be sure. Campaign finance law tends to be arcane and annoying even for people that practice it.

She hasn’t slept in the same room with him since she was pregnant with their kid. Basically, the same time he was cheating on her with porn stars. My guess if she divorces him she literally gets nothing. He has an iron clad prenup, so she is trapped like a rat. He broke the law to get her citizenship so she is indebted to him as well.

Real love story there.

I would imagine any pre-nup becomes null and void if you et caught sleeping around. It wouldn’t surprise me if she simply gets more money if she waits until 2024.

Depends how their written. In most cases… it doesn’t. And I’m sure a serial adulterer isn’t going to toss in verbiage about the whole thing being void if he cheated, especially not to some foreigner who needs him more than he needs her. There is something called an “infidelity clause,” apparently. I’m assuming theirs doesn’t have one.

Nope, and she was desperate when she married him. She was no longer in demand modeling in New York. So she probably would have signed anything.

Like millions of Americans she didin’t know just how much of a scumbag he really was until she got to know him better.

Outside of his entire history before that? He’s always been an assy scumbag. Plain as day to see.

I always knew he was a scumbag. But since he started campaigning it became scumbag squared. Since he was elected it became scumbag cubed. New depths of scumbaggery were reached. The bottom has not been hit yet.

Yeah, back in the day I thought he was just a blustery megalomaniac New Yorker. My opinion of him has plummeted in the past 3 years.

You think you’re hitting the bottom of the barrel, and it can’t get worse, but it turns out that if you look UNDER the barrel…

It would not surprise me in the least if, when Trump became the Republican front-runner, a contract was drawn up promising that if Melania stayed quiet, played the dutiful spouse and didn’t undermine his candidacy/Presidency (through divorce, releasing some tell-all book, or just leaking stuff to the press) she would be very well compensated at the end of however far his political career went.

On the other hand, maybe she figured the stress of being a candidate then President would result in his early demise, which also results in a payday for her.

I wouldn’t be so sure. She might know that she gets to enjoy the billionaire lifestyle so long as he lives (and they stay married), with most everything going to the not-Barron kids.