Trump takes on videogames

Well sure. I mean, video games specifically being blamed for some guy committing violence, Congress flipping out about… next stop is pictures and videos of video games they know nothing about, maybe some videos of something that isn’t even a video game.

Monster Hunter World inspired me to start flinging dung at people.

I hope they don’t show this administration all the games where you kill Nazis.

There are very fine people on both sides of Castle Wolfenstein.

They could’ve tricked everyone and scored points against mass media by blaming increased social isolation from Facebook and Twitter. Missed opportunity. Sometimes I think I should be running strategy for these parties.

He’ll also call it a tremendous success when he’s asked an entirely unrelated question and starts rambling incoherently about how bigly successful his administration is.

I suspect he thinks everyone thinks like he does, meaning if he doesn’t care about something no one else cares, and if he has forgotten about it everyone else has too. Everything is centered around him.

My son played D&D over the weekend, videogames throughout the week, and is at a Sabaton/Kreator concert tonight. I’ll have to tell him that it’s all his fault.

The real problem is all the violins on television.

Pretty soon people will be pulling their faces off and blowing fire, or ripping out spines as finishing moves and now the ball is in the court of a man who can’t see how ridiculous that sounds because he can’t understand anything he hasn’t experienced and could care less about video games.

So could a game be made to entice Trump to play? Could the designers surreptitiously insert bits and pieces of knowledge to slowly teach the Ignoramus in Chief?

Maybe he should take on porn too.

Something about killing sharks and silencing hookers?

“I don’t like all this sex on the telly. I mean, I keep falling off!”
–Eric Idle (I think) in drag

Scheherezade for the 21st century.

“Who knew videogames could be so hard?”

I’ve several times heard and read, that the games industry generates more turnover than the Hollywood industry - Does this not make it a favorable thing for a country like the US? I mean, tax-wise? Orr is your country so big that a single industry does little to impact how much money the government has?

I realize right now its all hearts and minds for your politicians (And ours, for that matter), but my general idea is that republicans are more about how to make the country succesful economically, than the democrats are?

Reality has shown otherwise.

GOP comes to power, tanks economy, we elected Democrats, they fix it, we vote GOP they tank it again.

The myth was created when Reagan showed up after Carter’s recession and things got better, but that was also the last time it happened and we still haven’t paid those deficits.