Trust Us With Your Life

Colin Mocherie is front and center in all the skits thus far. This is a Very Good Thing. Ryan Stiles is MIA. This is a Not A Good Thing, especially with the first point (they are even more awesome as a team). I’m conflicted.

huh? what’s this, a new who’s line is it anyway?

Improv meets reality. Doesn’t sound like a good thing.

I’m so on this. Too bad Improv-a-ganza was cancelled. Next best thing, I guess?

Freaky. Wikipedia tells me this show is based on a British show, which featured someone I know personally, but I hadn’t even heard of it.

It is by Dan Patterson, which I’m pretty sure is the same name behind Whose Line. Hence why it is “all the regulars” (Colin, Wayne Brady, Greg Proops, etc.). Mostly same basic skits too, just a different premise.

I expect it to last all of 4 weeks before it gets pulled, but I’ll watch anything with Colin in it.

Anyone figured out where the best place to watch the episodes digitally is? Not seeing it on Comcast On Demand, unfortunately.

The network’s website. I forgot if it was on ABC or CBS, but my DVR only grabbed one episode last week, so I watched the other online.

I thought it was a pretty entertaining show. Reminded me a lot of Whose Line, which is one of my favorite shows ever.