I’m a bit puzzled by weddings that occur on various TV shows (be it “Boston Legal” or “How I met your mother” or whatever…)
Where are the families?? Every time a couple on these shows hitches the odds are that only the cast regulars attend the wedding. Its seems a bit odd that no parents or siblings ever attend. I’m sure there are exceptions, but I can’t actually recall any. I mean, frequently these family member play no roll in the show anyway, and it can’t be too expensive to hire a couple of bit-part actors to show up, stand in the background and maybe say 1 or 2 lines, can it? I’m not talking about uncles/aunts and cousins, just immediate relatives. I just seems odd…
On some shows these family members have shown up before for specific storylines, and might be portrayed by recognizable actors. Under these circumstances I guess it could be pricey to bring these actors back, but at least acknowledge them with a phone call or something?
When characters in a long running show have a relationship and finally marry its not something that happens overnight, so it can’t be too tough to at least symbolically include the familes, can it? At least that would make it feel a bit more “real” to me…
Anyone else notice this and have a theory? Though I guess, its possible that I’m just a bit too traditionally minded and expect too much “realism” from my TV shows… ;)