Twilight Struggle

Interested in another casual game. PM here is good and we can set something up.

I bought it again, since the newest 1.1 update was claiming improved iPad 2 performance, and I can confirm it is much, much better!
The game didn’t crash browsing the rules, and it crashed after 3 rounds and about an hour of play against the computer. I could enjoy an extended play session of nearly 2 hours with @marquac and experienced a single crash during that time. To me, it is absolutely playable now.
The only slight issues I experienced were that the game quits as soon as you exit it (not hot juggling) and for some reason, the iOS notification option is greyed out - but there is an email notification system to back it up.

I guess the programmer who implemented iOS notifications for Ascension must have left the company or be busy with something else.

Anybody still playing it around this thread? I’d be eager in getting a few games going.

Feel free to invite me to a long game. I’m pretty sure I’m greatatlantic on playdek as well. Just don’t give yourself some massive starting bonus!

Invited you!

I think I have no idea yet as to how to do that, which speaks of my freshness. I guess this is tied to the option to bid for sides? I never tried it.

Instead of derailing the Tournament thread, I’ll ask my questions here:

A very interesting strategy guide has been mentionned there. I have done some reading and had a question tied to my experience with the game.
I noticed in my game with Tylertoo he was focusing as the US on getting a lot of European non-battleground countries under his control, starting with Greece and Turkey. I mimicked that behavior in my own game against Greatatlantic, not really knowing what I am doing, I must confess. Then I read in the aforementionned guide early war chapter:

you get two of the three critical Mediterranean non-battleground countries

(My very educated guess is that Spain is the third.)

Could anybody explain to me how and why those three countries are critical? The guide mentions European Domination; is that the only concern?

Spain/Portugal supports both France and Italy against Realignments. Greece is adjacent to Italy and supports it against Realignments or Brush War (the latter if NATO is not in force). Turkey gives you accesss to the Middle East if you get booted out entirely, and can be used to overcome the Cuban Missile Crisis coup limitation. But yes, in general, the most important thing to do as US is to have at least as many total controlled countries in Europe as the USSR, which prevents him or her from scoring Domination points. And thus those 2-Stability countries are cheap.

Oh, thank you for the explanations.
I always forget about Brush War, and never even thought of using it against Italy. Indeed, those countries seem like a nice multi-purpose defensive proposition now!

I tried to learn this game via the Tutorial and my eyes glazed over.

Sucks to be me.

Brush War can make the US pay dearly for not forming NATO, especially if there had been a fight for control in Italy and influence stands at something like 11-9 for the US. All of a sudden, USSR wins a Brush War there - now it’s 20-0 to USSR and the US will never control Italy again. And if the USSR controls enough countries, that usually pushes the region to Domination as GDR and Poland are probably still Soviet.

I actually forgot to run that tutorial. Maybe simply reading the rules is a better way in?

The first time I fell victim to such a high stakes Brush War in Thailand, I had to check online as I was wondering, in shock, if that wasn’t a bug.
That Twilight Strategy guide is an incredible mine of knowledge for a new player. I just read the bit about the Warsaw Pact card: I had never envisaged its incredibly powerful use -or dissuasion power- later in the war, in the event of some US velleities in Eastern Europe.

I think I just need to watch someone play at some point, there are a bunch of rules and they mostly make sense but they’re very abstract without seeing the gameplay that connects them.

Don’t give up on the game, its worth it. I only really learned by playing a bunch of games vs AI (and a few MP). And reading the strategy guide. The guide is helpful as it gives you suggested starting moves, and you can look up individual cards to learn best uses.

I’m with you too. I was addicted to iOS boardgames a couple years ago, and now I can’t bring myself to start a game of this!

My game playing is wacky right now.

I’ll get around to it, but I have a bunch of other stuff I’ve been catching up on, so I haven’t had the time to really sink my teeth into it.

Going to vent and say I really need to:

  • Think things through, and stop spacing an event that I could use to create a crisis, but more importantly, I need to stop realizing this exactly 2 seconds right after I press the “commit” button;
  • Get into the rhythm and acknowledge for once how many cards I have yet to play before the end of the turn, as to not try to save one when I can’t anymore because, whoops, I played UN for the event and didn’t think about the reduced hand;
  • Maybe stop giving up West Germany to Blockade* as the US on purpose, which seems to be the trend of my week?

My last 2 games have been a festival of messed up opportunities and poorly chosen timing.

PS: GG Greatatlantic… REVENGE!!!

If anyone would like to play an asynchronous game with commentary as a teaching tool, hit me up at spacerumsfeld. Just make it at least a 21-day timer, 45 days if possible.

You need an intervention! Hit me up for a game.

  • List item[quote=“Brooski, post:338, topic:69029, full:true”]
    If anyone would like to play an asynchronous game with commentary as a teaching tool, hit me up at spacerumsfeld. Just make it at least a 21-day timer, 45 days if possible.

That would definitely be something I’m interested in doing… though I keep forgetting to grab screen shots. Wish the game would create a “game summary” after the fact. Feel free to send me an invite, though it might be till Saturday before I can get back on a PC.