Twilight Struggle

aMiguk - I still consider myself a rank amateur (just look at my standing in the Qt3 tournaments) but if you give me your Playdek name I’ll add you to my friends list and send out a challenge.

Thanks! It sounds like something I can get into.

Thank you. I’ll take you up on that once I can muster up enough courage. I’ve only played one game as the Soviets, so I think I’ll practice against the AI for a bit longer.

Time to vent out: the top screen iconography is [redacted].
Losing because amongst the half-dozen icons of one of your 4 weeks long games, you forgot that NORAD was still active, that feels even worst than one’s first Olympic Games defcon suicide. At least, in that later case, you get a warning.
I know some don’t agree, but I’ll argue that I don’t think the point of NORAD in the tabletop version was for the USSR player to forget about it and hand the game over to the good guys.


I just played through the tutorial game and finished that up. I hung tight until the last 2 turns when the USSR got up by 17 points. I was able to get that down to 7 going into the last turn. I had no idea how the scoring was handled at the end of the game and I got clobbered - the USSR got up to 20.

The game definitely gave me a good first impression. Pretty varied cards. A good number of choices what to do. It did take a while to get through a game though.I’m not sure I’ll ever get that good at it since it seems like it is a great benefit to remember what cards exist. It seems like I really need to read through the rule book to make sure I understand the scoring. Glad I picked this up.

Yeah, the gameplay really pivots on the events. What the cards do, where they are in the deck, what situations are dangerous, when to play them for most (or least) effect. I loved the early light bulb moment when I realized that drawing all those horrible opponent events was actually great.

My enjoyment of the game, especially my appreciation for its rhythms and balance, went up dramatically as I got to know the cards. So at least spending time learning and thinking about them wasn’t a chore.

I was just playing a silly ultra random game: the game turned over multiple times and we now are in the 8th turn. If my opponent gets the European score card, he wins; if I get the Asian card, I win, and then, the theme of the game just struck back at me.
I was holding onto Kennedy as the US in the event of the accursed Europe insta-death scoring card showing up, when I was dealt the Lone Gunman. It took my Kennedy out because I couldn’t afford suiciding to DEFCON. It took me a while to notice the incredible thematic interaction of those two cards, but wow, this game is so smartly designed :O

I finally finished a game. At the start of turn 3, I had 15 VP and the defcon level was 3. I headlined Duck and Cover to reduce the defcon level and earn 3 VP, since on the last turn the USSR did a coup on the first round to put it to defcon 2 and block the card.

The only problem is the USSR also headlined a card that lowered the defcon. Game over! Oops.

I can’t think of a Soviet Early War card that could reduce the Defcon before Duck & Cover does. Was it turn 4? We Will Bury You is Mid-War.

Only thing that comes to mind is the AI having a moment and headlining Olympic Games.

That wouldn’t reduce the defcon prior to Duck & Cover.

Oh, yeah. Totally misread the original post. Guess I’m the one having a moment.

Yes, looks like that was it, turn 4.

I realize I’m late to the party to complain, but I don’t know how you guys can stand playing multiplayer with the iOS app. You have to wait for the slash screens, login, and last turn animation every time. Horrible! I know it will auto-login in certain cases to speed up that part. It’s still maddening.

I almost want to buy the PC version to make it easier to hop in and out.

I am sorry to tell you it is the exact same on PC. You can leave the PC client open, but it tends to use all the CPU time it can, so it is not very healthy.

There are a few settings to speed things up a bit though. But skipping isn’t a part of them.

Is there no way to tell if your opponent is present while looking at the game board? I know there’s a green dot on the game list screen. This is pretty common for Playdek games so I must be missing something. [EDIT] Oh now I see it just below the icon!

Also, it’s maddening there’s no autocorrect in the chat window.

I’ve only been playing for a short time and I’m already having dreams about the game.

Arise! Anyone interested in some a digital game of TS? I am also greatatlantic on the app, and my preferred set up is just the optional cards, plus bidding for side choice. I won the last tournament hosted on the forum, but I am out of practice and will play any experience level.

Not tonight, and I am going to be camping without my computer starting in a week. But I would be down for a game when I get back.

I am up for an async game, been playing with a couple of friends on the app, we normally play face to face. Not an expert but I can play around blockade!

Sure, Ormus. What’s your user name on the app (or just private message it to me)? I’m greatatlantic there as here.

@CraigM, Sounds good, enjoy your trip and feel free to look me up once you get back.