Two-sentence stories (that are interesting)

Having found a number of two-line horror stories on: I wonder: are there more? Can you come up with some? Doesn’t have to be horror!

One of my favourites:

For sale, baby shoes. Never worn.

My wife accused me of being immature. I told her to get out of my fort.

Sounds like an anti-abortion ad.

She grinned at me and winked one eye.

Then she winked her other eye, and then the other one.

(Not original)

I had a friend once.

He fed me well.

The chef lightly salted the dish, and then tasted it. Aw crap, he thought, that was sugar!

6 or 7-word stories are also a possibility:

72 virgins killed by delayed detonation mechanism


Wanted: rope, grass, goat and lubricant

The killer paused while looking at the picture of a family of five. He had only found and killed four.


He felt trapped as the walls closed in around his white house. He opened up the briefcase and pressed the button.

My crying wife kept me up all night. Tomorrow I will bring flowers to her grave.

Fight all night. Swipe right.

Strapped into the capsule with her bulky environment suit on, she immediately wondered why they skipped the number ‘5’ in the countdown sequence. She never got to find out.

Tim sat and watched, while the crack in the windscreen kept getting larger. He pondered his decision to join the expedition into the Mariana Trench.

-Gas prices at the pump went up again today.

-I doesn’t bother me, I always put 20$.