Two Worlds II: We know the first game was terrible

My experience in this game can be summarized thusly:

I am currently hunting varns, which are sort of gnolls, so I can boil their hearts to make healing potions.

Om nom nom.

Surprised this is Steam’s top seller. Not common for a Euro RPG I don’t think. Yay :) I like it when RPGs do well.

Does anyone know if the Steam d/l incorporates the latest patches? I thought I’d read about DX10 support being added in a patch, so just curious if that’s already included since the NA release is now months behind the Euro launch.

The Direct2Drive version has the DX10 exe, because I bought that version. The Steam version wasn’t available at the time.

Id like to find out if this game is worth the asking price. This kind of game is definitely up my ally, if it is done right. I am just not sure I want to drop 50 bucks on a game that might be good.

You still have to patch the GamerGate version manually. I just did - I see they’ve added more graphics settings but I think it still needs ini tweaking IMHO.

It’s interesting - when you start you have an option to ‘Run in demo mode’, but they don’t seem to have the thing downloadable anywhere, so I don’t know who that’s aimed at.

Has anyone played this game in XP Service Pack 2? I see the requirements include Service Pack 3, but that doesn’t always mean it is required to run the game.

GoGamer has it for $29.90.

I find the game pretty good. Playing on the PC and it looks beautiful The steering feels a little wonky at first, but its a big world, with lots of stuff to do and have fun with. I’d say it compares a bit to Risen in gameplay and feel, and while the story is on rails, you can do pretty much what you want unless you meet someone bigger and badder than you.

Then you reload and go somewhere else. :-D

Edit: Had a few good laughs actually on the way- and the quests are pretty damn awesome, and some of them do things I dont think I ever saw before. consequences happening without you even noticing you made a choice, is something I’ve seen a few times, which I find rather cool.

So you have convinced me to pay out 50 bucks for this game. Yet when I go to the steam store to buy it, the store is now having problems and I am getting error 105 unable to connect to the internet server. I know my connection is fine, I am on this board posting.

Is this an omen to not buy this game? Well if it comes up soon, ill buy it. I hope I do not regret it.

I got this on the 360. It has some annoying graphical effects and doesn’t run too well, but you can use console commands to fix most of that (console commands on a console game, I know, right?) Problem is those hacked settings don’t persist, so it’s tons of fun to type in six lines with an XBox controller every time I want to play just so my screen doesn’t blur when I run, so I don’t have the stupid roadie-run camera, so the unnecessary AA stops hogging performance, so I can see more than 15 feet in front of me by totally disabling fog, and so I can disable Bloom and actually see the world as opposed to one giant blob of light.

The game? It’s OK so far. It’s moving way faster than I thought it would. Tutorial island – which is an awful tutorial, by the way, runs at like 12 FPS due to all the foliage. Makes an awful first impression.

aye, from all accounts, get this for the PC.

I got that error last night while buying King Arthur for $12. A simple refresh fixed it.

I am playing it. The dialog is horrable. It does not explain anything. I have decided to go the mage route. I purchased 2nd level of fire mastery just to see what that does. I can now use 2 fire cards although I have no idea HOW to use 2 fire cards.

I am currently trying to kill ostrages for some herb. I have killed like 20 of them, gained 3 levels and still not a single herb drop.

There’s a specific group of ostriches you want - it’s on your map as a red cross…

The tutorial tells you exactly how to use your cards.

And yeah, look at your map for where to go get the ostriches.

I think magic is fairly complex - but you’ve got plenty of room (and ostrichhes) for experimentation…

I figured out that I needed to go to the special ostrages.

However magic isn’t explained well. I have fire level 2. If I use a different element for my AoE, say air, that leaves me 2 fire cards free. Since then I have picked up another seeker type cared and another missile carrier card and a few others. I still can’t make anything than a basic ‘bolt’ spell or a basic AoE spell.

Maybe someone can explain to me how to use 2 fire cards in a spell and then ill get it.

Go here: Two Worlds II Guide - IGN

Just fired this up again to see what the latest patches were like… and discovered there’s a separate DX10 exe! Damn. Now they tell me :) Some very nice misty scenes on that starting island I don’t recall from my playthrough…

I’ll just go on record here and say TW2 has the most fun melee I can recall in an RPG. I know other people have said they don’t like it… but they’re wrong :)

It also has some of the worst archery and most confusing magic, so there you go.