Uber vs. California - Robot cars not ready for roads?

The autonomous car bubble, especially wrt Uber IPO, reminds me of the dot com bubble before it burst.

Given that we can’t fund idk schools, I’m gonna go with a “no” on this one.

That’s really excellent.

Given that Tesla have been bullshitting people about self-driving cars for years (they claim you already have one and they will just turn it on soon), is there any reason to expect anything other than more bullshit?

Like many things in tech, it’s almost ironic sometimes when something eventually proves out, because there was so much bullshit behind it to begin with. We’re not yet at the proving out stage for autonomous vehicles, but so many investors are so firmly convinced it will be any day now that the sheer weight of their money bearing down on all these eager startups will eventually produce real results.

Is it as big as dot-com?

But this isn’t just automated cars. The whole tech industry - and I lump biotech in there, having worked at one - seems to run like this.

But maybe it’s fine this time!

Well, you know, if one woman can produce a baby in 9 months, then 9 women can churn out a baby in one month! You can’t argue with that logic!!!

This was probably true even when the tech in question was railroads. Our knowledge advances to the point where some world-changing capability seems to be almost within our grasp. At that point the social dynamics or human psychology or whatever throws investment in to secure a perceived first-mover advantage.

No, or course not. The hype patterns are comparable, but not nearly as wide spread.

They’ve made quite a few updates to the system recently. My car will now pass slower vehicles, follow the nav to the appropriate exit and let me know when it’s time to take over manually at the exit. Little steps, but progress.

Tesla is definitely making good progress, but Elon needs to cut down on the exaggeration and hype he likes to do, such as https://arstechnica.com/cars/2019/04/elon-musk-says-tesla-is-vastly-ahead-on-self-driving/

Really good point. A lot of the railway investment was ultimately at a loss, too.

I’m told it drove you door to door from Malibu to Manhattan last year, and along the way washed itself several times, and washed you more than once.

Well, it did a nice job from SoCal to Washington State last summer. The now, thankfully, defunct driver wash feature was hit or miss for me.

Pretty sure that’s Elon talking now. Check your mirror.

From the age of industrial/corporate musicals:

Huh, GM sponsored a live-action version of the Jetsons.

“There’s automatic sleep control in every bed,
Our pre-digested food is cooked by infra-red”

pre-digested food. Yum.

This is probably more hype than substance. The route between Tucson and Phoenix they’re describing is a straight flat stretch of freeway, which is the simplest part of the problem. I have no doubt the on-board driver takes over for the surface street / depot portion of the run. They’ve basically reinvented a railroad with worse economies of scale.