Ubisoft DRM Cracked!

Although, to be fair, they’re not making a PC version of Super SF IV.

I am making light of piracy right now.

No, it is not the same at all.

In a correct example, The electricity does not need the internet to be up to function, it was just an added requirement (in the example) made for no actual reason. Just like a single player game does not need the internet to be up to function, it was just added as a requirement for the fragile DRM.

Imagine if you had a battery powered clock. The clock has an option power cord for recharging the battery. The clock is perfectly cable of running on battery power which it is built around, but some genius decided the product would be improved if the clock had a little switch inside that stopped it from working the second it was unplugged. To the consumer who paid for the clock, they don’t care why that step was taken, all they know is it doesn’t improve the product and it in fact does the opposite, lowering the quality for no reason. Will the world die in flames if the clock stops working? no, but if the only reason the clock stops working is because of some half assed protection system, i don’t see why the customer should have to put up with it while smiling.

There is a middle ground between Giving up gaming/pirating all games and thanking publishers for ramming game breaking DRM down our throats.

if this thread has done nothing else, it made me realize darksiders was coming to pc, which is a decently interesting looking game.

all they know is it doesn’t improve the product and it in fact does the opposite, lowering the quality for no reason.

Increasing sales is a reason. It’s not a reason for the customer to like it, I’m not asking anyone to like it. And I’m not saying it does increase sales. All I’m arguing is that if it did, it helps the developer, at the cost of your inconvenience. Why is that idea so horrible to people here?

You’re having us on now aren’t you?

You don’t see a difference between “I don’t like it” and “there’s no good reason for them to do it”? I don’t like having to carry a driver’s license when I drive, I forget it sometimes, but I understand why we need to.

Are you seriously asking why a bunch of consumers are angry that consumers get screwed so that a corporation can improve its bottom line? Seriously?

Why do you keep bringing this shit up? And you sort of just brought up a rhetorical point. IF DRM helped developer sales at the cost of convenience, the idea of DRM would not actually be as horrible. Except we don’t live in that world, so why even acknowledge your hypothetical at all? Frankly, it’s a waste of time to answer your question.

Because someone in this very topic said it would be unjustified even if it eliminated all piracy? And I can’t imagine sales not increasing if it eliminated all piracy.

Games that no one can actually play cannot be stolen.


What if unicorns eliminated all the leprechauns? I can’t imagine rainbows not increasing if all the leprechauns were gone.

You don’t have a very good imagination, then.


Sure, you can argue about the leprechauns, but I don’t understand why you have to bring the unicorns into this, as if they’re somehow responsible for the situation. This is all just a hypothetical situation anyway, because the rainbows already aren’t not increasing.

  • Alan

Once in a while it pays off to leave a thread that has taken a turn for the stupid only to look in on it after a few days. Thank you sir. Now I’ll let the “Apple Gestapo” and “Trolling Islam for great justice”-threads percolate for a few days and see if it works there too.

Are you serious?

So they want to screw me over to help themselves? How is that any different than me wanting to do the same to them? Maybe i should just pirate their games and then buy them when they hit the $30 bin since then the developer still gets some money, but has to wait a while, a slight inconvenience.

Everyone wants to help themselves primarily and then worry about others after that. Only you think it is wrong of the customer to think of themselves before the developers here. The two aren’t mutually exclusive, but obviously customers need to look out for themselves first and foremost, especially in this age of games being shipped unfinished and only fixed if they sell enough.

Also, Consoles now are not as healthy compared to consoles as it was decades ago.
While the North American and possibly some of the European markets remain relatively safe for the moment the Asian market sees consoles and their games being pirated like nobody’s business (then again, this actually was happening to Nintendo ever since the times of the first Contra, so…).

True. Also, games no one will play cannot be stolen.

I still have my printed guide to Civ I–just in case. :D

I can. Even if all piracy is eliminated, and even if some of those erstwhile pirates buy the game, sales may still decline. More sales may be lost from legitimate customers deciding not to buy than are gained from former pirates.