UCSF scientists declare war on sugar in food

Yup. Enjoy your full serving of veggies!

Er, that was a lot less stupid than it sounds. The dispute was how much tomato pizza spread counted as a vegetable serving.


Mojo has a report on old sugar industry documents detailing how the sugar industry fought hard in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s to make sure there was no official connection between high sugar consumption and major health issues.

It has always amazed me how hard it seems to be to get a clear, scientific answer on issues of diet and health. It sure doesn’t help to have industry associations working furiously behind the scenes to cloud the issue.

It mostly comes down to a couple things: people are notoriously bad at remembering/tracking what they actually eat, and the studies are typically only finding correlation (because of study design), which as we all know is not causation. On top of which, even in the best studies, the measured effects are typically fairly small. Not that you’d know that from the breathless media coverage. And that’s even assuming the study is well-designed and lacking an ideological bias in the first place.

Timely overview: Sugar Is Not Toxic | RealClearScience

An old standby on diet and health reporting in general: http://www.dcscience.net/?p=1435