UK General Election 2017

This is why this election is so infuriating, we have the worst Tory campaign in history with the most useless PM/Tory leader i can remember and our superb policies and people are being wasted because of this man at the helm.

What was the point of his address? What did he say and what was he hoping to achieve?

Death to Jews. Death to the West. Their goals are his goals. Their enemies are his enemies.

All he has done since becoming leader is mask this. He has spent 30 years consistently supporting our enemies.

Uh, can you link me to some evidence of this?

Edit: I’m open to what you’re saying but I’m going to need more than that. Any speech transcripts or videos or…?

He’s been up to this for 30 years. Seeing you are ignoring the fact he spoke at an Al-Muhajiroun rally alongisde Choudary and the Hook I don’t think your interested in the metric fuckton of evidence that he’s left behind him over 3 decades. He didn’t spring from the loins of a virgin 2 years ago you know, despite what his cultists think.

If there’s that much, then present some. I’m interested, just not in hot air.

As I said before, what did he say and what was he hoping to achieve there? Context is everything.

You’re apparently the one with the answers here pwk, so that’s why I’m asking.

“He spent 30 years giving speeches at white nationalist and KKK rallies, allying with Nazi’s, inviting NeoNazis to speak at Parliament, pressing for release of jailed white nationalists and consistently engaging with the far right globally”

“but what did he actually say? What was he hoping to achieve with his decades of engaging with White Supremacy? Context is everything”

This is just wilful blindness. Corbyn has been up to this for 3 decades and you know full well youve seen the articles, photos, videos and speeches because you are a Brit who is politically aware. What do you think he was up to when him and Galloway were sharing a platform with Al-Muhajiroun? What do you think when someone shares a platform and speaks at a rally with Richard Spencer or David Duke, that they oppose the far right?

Some of live in a country whose last President was accused openly of being a secret Muslim Communist who was going to have the UN take over. Please, provide more.

Hard to say, when you’re posting screenshots rather than links to the actual sources, and what little information is in the screenshots don’t seem to match up with what you’re writing.

I’m an American, so I’m not too familiar with his history. I’d be interested in any links you might provide as well (note that I’m not refuting what you’re saying).

It’s really not, it’s asking what the foundation is for such accusations. I’m not just going to believe what people tell me on face value.

My understanding of Corbyn has been that he wants open dialogue between conflicting people with a view to achieving peace, or at least starting a peace process, and that obviously involves him (and others) sharing platforms with monsters. It worked in Northern Ireland and my guess, judging from what I’ve heard him consistently say directly, is that he would like to see that achieved elsewhere.

He won the Gandhi Foundation International Peace Award in 2013 for his “consistent efforts over a 30 year Parliamentary career to uphold the Gandhian values of social justice and non‐violence.”

“The Service brings together people of different faiths such as Buddhist, Baha’i, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh in remembrance of Gandhi and to share elements from their different traditions.”

You’ll have to forgive me if I don’t buy into these anti-Semitism arguments immediately.

As I said originally, if you’ve got some actual evidence of his anti-Semitism, I’d like to see it.

Oh ok, it’s easy to assume Brits know Corbyn’s history, but the US won’t.

Corbyn and the IRA. Many many articles have dominated the press during the election, but this was a good warning from last year.

Corbyn and Islamist extremism.

Lots of videos embedded in this article.

Corbyn and anti-Semitism.

• Compared the actions of the U.S. to those of ISIS, saying, “Yes they [ISIS] are brutal, yes some of what they have done is quite appalling. Likewise, what the Americans did in Fallujah and other places is appalling, but there has to be seen to be an acceptance of a much wider view of the world than is apparent at the present time.”

• Donated to the organization of Paul Eisen, a Holocaust denier, and appeared at his events. He later claimed he was unaware of Eisen’s unsavory views, despite 15 years of association.

• Called Bin Laden’s death without trial “a tragedy.”

• Defended vicar Stephen Sizer, who disseminated materials arguing the Mossad did 9/11, after he was banned from social media by the Church of England for posting anti-Semitic material.

• Praised preacher Raed Salah and invited him to parliament. Salah claims that Jews make their Passover matzoh with gentile blood, that Jews had foreknowledge of 9/11, and that homosexuality is “a great crime.” He has been banned from the U.K. for anti-Semitic incitement.

• Invited activist Dyab Abou Jahjah to parliament and spoke alongside him. Abou Jahjah had called the 9/11 attacks “sweet revenge,” said Europe made “the cult of the Holocaust and Jew-worshiping its alternative religion,” and called gays “Aids-spreading faggots.” He is now banned in the U.K.

• Described himself as a “very good friend” of Ibrahim Hewitt, a preacher who likened homosexuality to pedophilia and incest, and labeled it an “abominable practice.”

• Campaigned for the release of Jawad Botmeh and Samar Alami, who were convicted in Britain in 1996 for bombing the Israeli Embassy in London and one of the country’s largest Jewish charities.

• Recommended Russia Today, Putin’s propaganda channel, as a more reliable news source than the mainstream media.

• Hosted a show on Press TV, Iran’s propaganda channel.

He hosted holocaust denier James Thring at Parliament.

His foreign policy position is consistent and he has allied with totalitarian regimes throughout the Middle East. His head of communications Seumas Milne is a RT employee and has directly worked for Putin. Corbyn was an employee and presented his own show on the Iranian State’s Press TV. Press TV whilst Corbyn was working for them were engaging in the torture and murder of Iranian journalists.

His choice of people is just as questionable.

His head of the election campaign Andrew Murray was a senior figure in the Communist Party of GB last year.

Milne is also an unapologetic Stalin apologist.

His choice for Home Secretary, Diane Abbott

Abbott is also a well renowned idiot, and today has been banned from speaking to the media or any hustings because of the damage she causes. Google her if you want to see any one of the thousands of car crash interviews she has done.

His choice for Chancellor, John McDonnell has pushed it to the backburner whilst the election is on, but a browse through the previous few years will show the strength of opposition to Corbyn in Labours ranks due to his foreign policy and his associations. What’s telling is very little opposition is based around his domestic policies, this is about what he spent the last 30 years doing, and who with.

I took this from his website before it was wiped when he won the leadership challenge. As a backbench MP for Islington who never achieved a front bench position his duty would be to his constituents. Well you would think that, but no, why concentrate on doing your job when the Jews have a homeland. That second link on his “Islington” news. Says it all.

This stance has gained him some fans, of course.

I just skimmed the top of google for these links, you could devote an lifetime of study to addressing his questionable relationships during his long career. All of this baggage could well throw away the easiest victory Labour was ever faced with.

This in particular is one of PWKs hang ups that I always roll my eye at. He seems to take the stance that anyone supportive of Palestinians is, ipso facto, anti semitic. So I don’t hold out that his arguments are persuasive here. Last time he provided evidence I found it sorely lacking. Actual antisemites mixed with random college kids who protested Israeli settlement policies.

EDIT: PWK just posted a bunch of links, and they seem substantive. Will give them a look over.

Thanks for the links @playingwithknives, I appreciate it. Had a quick skim over them and, yes, there seems to be a lot of baggage there, much of which I wasn’t aware of. I’ll give them a proper read later.

Corbyn isn’t an anti-semite or a terrorist sympathiser, but he is naive to the point of foolhardy in who he associates with and talks to, uses the word ‘friend’ far too freely, and is overly idealistic. For instance, @playingwithknives references his remarks on Bin Laden (which I quote in full):

"There was no attempt whatsoever that I can see to arrest him, to put him on trial, to go through that process.

This was an assassination attempt, and is yet another tragedy, upon a tragedy, upon a tragedy.

The World Trade Centre was a tradegy, the attack on Afghanistan was a tragedy, the war in Iraq was a tragedy. Tens of thousands of people have died. Torture has come back on to the world stage, been canonised virtually into law by Guantanamo and Bagram."

You can see that all here. Any death as far as Corbyn is concerned is a tragedy - which I suppose is a very idealistic stance to take on the one hand, but betrays a naivety that I found worrying. Most of the stuff that sounds crazy has a surrounding context like this. He’s not a bad man - I don’t think he’s racist or an anti-semite or a homophobe or a terrorist, and he doesn’t want to support those views - but he’s way too willing to overlook things in the interest of peace (or not dig too deeply when he should). And sometimes, in a position of power particularly, that can be a response that results in the opposite results to those he claims to want.

Labour is going to lose this election, quite badly, and it should have won it quite handily. And it will be Corbyn’s fault.

Thanks for the links, pwk! That’s a lot to digest, I’m looking forward to going though them after work.

I think you may have hit the nail on the head there. That at least tallies up with what pwk is presenting and my understanding of him.

We’ll see, but what was the alternative? Owen Smith? Yvette Cooper? More New Labour? Labour wouldn’t have stood a chance with another Milibland personality and manifesto. Corbyn’s has been a much needed breath of fresh air (or should that be gasp?) and is arguably the best thing to come out of this election; it’s given hope and energised a lot of folk who were jaded and hopeless, including me.

If nothing else, I hope Labour realise that there’s a hunger for more left-wing policy and that aping the Tories instead of offering an alternative is what got them here in the first place.

I’m not sure how true that is. Theresa May is terrible, and people seem eager for an alternative. It seems they’re rejecting Corbyn, not embracing May - this was Labour’s election to lose. I don’t think Milliband lost the election so much as Cameron is a very good campaigner. That is far from the case this time around.

What have rights done for you anyway?

Human rights. She’s attacking human rights.