Ultramarine - Warhammer 40k movie

I think you’ve completely misunderstood me. Hint: I think the Litany of Fury is awesome.

Reading this thread made me watch the DoW and DoW 2 intros again, which has greatly fuelled my desire for this film to be awesome (although I am fairly sure it will be awful).

Thinking about it, having never really played WH40K, or read any of the books, it’s a pretty fantastic setting. I’m surprised that they’ve never really made any decent games in it, other than the DoW and Space Hulk (back in the day) ones. I’m sure you could make a fairly awesome RPG with the setting.

Is that David Warner?

Dude, SSI’s Chaos Gate is up there as one of the best games, evar.

I’d say Chaos Gate is a great game if you’re into that genre (which I am, and I love Chaos Gate), but objectively I have a hard time considering any game that buggy one of the best games, evar.

Chaos Gate is the one game I’ve bothered to create a Windows virtual machine just to play.

Faith in the Emperor does not falter for a few bugs.

What more could you want? You get to fly around in a spacebound gothic cathedral. EACH of your brother space marines has his own name and stats, you get to deck them out in wargear before each battle. And last, but not least, it’s turn-based!

I love 40k, but I remeber Chaos Gate as having a worse interface than XCOM, and some serious balance issues.

Although thinking back, I did love the overwrought voice acting. I still remember like a dozen different one-liners from that game.

I just played it a couple months ago. I don’t recall any major interface issues. Admittedly, I use keyboard shortcuts for almost everything. Equipping your guys is a lot more streamlined than X-com.

The sound (voice, effects, and music) in Chaos Gate is excellent. Firing a single bolt round sounds like a howitzer.

While Chaos Gate doesn’t have the research and base building aspects of X-com, it makes up for it with: 1) general 40K bad-assness and 2) relic items and hero units like the librarian and 3) flying around in a gothic cathedral while wearing oversized shoulderpads and boots.

Chaos Gate was awesome. I don’t have a way to play it now (I don’t seem to have the game anymore, for some reason). But it was great. It was not an RPG though. I would love a 40k RPG. How about a game like Fallout3, but set on a planet that is full of resources being fought for by the various factions, who all have bases scattered across the map, and you could just be a mercenary working for all of them, or picking a faction to help most (at the cost of the others becoming enemies).

About halfway through the game, the chaos gates begin to open, Oblivion-style.

Actually Chaos Gate and Descent are the only games I’ve made virtual machines for, so I know where you coming from. Then again, like in my previous post, we’re obviously fans of the genre. Vehicles that can actually reliably move in ways that they should be able to are the main thing that bothered me. Or being able to fire weapons from the clearly well-armed thunderhawks. Someone who wasn’t as big a fan may be more bothered by those nitpicks.

Tom Baker.

Dan Abnett has been announced as the screen writer, and Martyn Pick as the director. Abnett is well known (and generally liked) in the Warhammer community for his writing, but Pick is an unknown.

I’d kill my ownnnnnn grandmother for another Chaos Gate game.

I’d kill just to repair my original Chaos Gate CD

Abnett’s one of very few people to write Warhammer fiction and make it genuinely worth reading. If his screenplay is faithfully filmed, I could see this being worth watching. But the screenwriter has very little power most of the time, so who knows if his stuff will be what we see onscreen.

Glad they picked a good writer. Hope this means they will have the smarts to follow his “vision” through.

It’s pretty easy when he’s the only readable writer in their stable.

IIRC, they also picked him to spearhead their series of Horus Heresy novels by multiple authors.

I found Fifteen Hours by Mitchel Scanlon to be quite readable. I haven’t read any of his other work, though.

They did, and thanks to his writing I have been reading the series. So far he stands far above the others IMO.

Having Abnett is a good thing.

I am happy as I can be.
I will say that not everything he does is Gaunt’s level, and his Space Marines book was one of his weaker titles, but I’ll definitely watch this if he’s involved.